Agenda item

Performance Management Framework 2010/11 Third Quarter Performance Report

Report of Interim Chief Executive and Corporate Strategy and Performance Manager




This report covers the Council’s performance for the period 1 October to 31 December 2010 as measured through the Performance Management Framework.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To note the many achievements referred to in paragraph 1.4.


(2)               To request that officers report in the final quarter on the items identified in paragraph 1.5 where performance was below target or there are emerging issues.


(3)               To agree the responses identified to issues raised in the quarter one performance report in paragraph 2.1 or to request additional action or information.



Recommendations Approved


The Interim Chief Executive and the Corporate Strategy and Performance Manager submitted a report which covered the Council’s performance for the period 1 October to 31 December 2010 as measured through the Performance Management Framework.




(1)               That the following achievements be noted:


Cherwell: A District of Opportunity


·        The Council’s job club programme is ongoing with a number of workshops held including interview skills coaching, a redundancy seminar and young people’s specialist training including retail apprenticeships.


·        The Council’s apprenticeships programme has seen success with NVQs in Business and Administration completed. The programme has been extended until September 2011.


·        Affordable Housing: performance in currently on track with 40 units delivered and plans in place to deliver additional units, including extra care housing for older people.


·        Temporary Accommodation: numbers of households in temporary accommodation remain low with 24 at the end of December 2010.


A Cleaner Greener Cherwell


·        Litter: after inspections 97% of land was found to have litter at acceptable low levels, strong performance against a target of 95%.


·        Recycling: currently performance exceeding target and is projected to be at 58% by the end of the year.


A Safe and Healthy Cherwell 


·        Activities for older people: participation rates have continued to improve with 630 additional people taking part in group activities.


·        The Community Safety Partnership is reporting a reduction in serious acquisitive crime (theft of and from cars, burglary -dwelling and robbery) of 23% in comparison to last year (data provided by Thames Valley Police).


·        Private sector funding has been achieved for radios to support Street Wardens in their work.


An Accessible Value for Money Council


·        Reducing the Council’s costs by £800,000 in 2010/11: as of 31st December the target has been met and the savings have been reflected in the Council’s draft budget for 2011/12.


·        Providing More Services Online: there are currently more than 80 transactional services available on the Council’s website. The consultation portal has also seen increasing availability of consultation activities including the draft budget for 2011/12.


·        The Council’s outreach workers have a programme of visits to venues where hour hardest to reach customers are likely to be. The venues include supermarkets, doctors’ surgeries and community events.


·        Next Steps sessions (careers advice) have been offered as surgeries at all the Council’s link points, helping to improve access to partners’ services.



(2)               That officers be requested to report in the final quarter on the following item where performance was below target or there are emerging issues:


·        Strategic Risks: given the significant changes facing the Council in terms of reducing budgets and shared management the Extended Management Team will be reviewing the strategic risks facing the Council. An update on this review will be brought forward to the next quarter report.


(3)               That the responses identified to issues raised in the quarter two performance report be agreed.




The Performance Management Framework allows Councillors to monitor the progress made in delivering our objectives and to take action when performance is not satisfactory or new issues arise. 




Option One

1.      To note the many achievements referred to in paragraph 1.3.


2.      To request that officers report in the third quarter on the items identified in paragraph 1.4 where performance was below target or there are emerging issues.


3.      To agree the responses identified to issues raised in the quarter two performance report in paragraph 2.1 or to request additional action or information.


Option Two

To identify any additional issues for further consideration or review.




Supporting documents: