Agenda item

Performance Management Framework 2009/2010 End of Year Performance and Finance Report

Report of the Head of Finance and the Corporate Strategy and Performance Manager




This report covers the Council’s performance in 2009/2010, as measured through the Corporate Scorecard, and summarises the Council’s provisional Revenue and Capital performance for the financial year 2009/2010. 




The Executive is recommended:


1)           To note that, despite tougher performance targets, the Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 96% of the performance targets in the Corporate Scorecard and met or made satisfactory progress on 97% of the performance targets in the Corporate Plan.


2)           To note that, despite tougher performance targets, the Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 98% of the targets in the Corporate Improvement Plan.


3)          To note the progress in delivering the Council’s strategic objectives and the many achievements referred to in paragraphs 1.4 and 1.5


4)          To request an update on the issues highlighted in paragraph 1.6 in the first quarter report of 2010/11.


5)          To note the provisional revenue out-turn position for 2009/2010 detailed in Appendix 9a.


6)          To agree the carry forward revenue budgets which have slipped in 2009/2010 to be carried forward into the 2010/2011 revenue budget as set out in Appendix 9b.


7)           To note the continued improvement in accuracy and reliability that the Council has made in projecting the year end position through the embedding of the Corporate Dashboard.


8)          To note the provisional capital out-turn position for 2009/2010 detailed in Appendix 9c.


9)           To agree the balances on capital schemes which have slipped in 2009/2010 to be carried forward into the 2010/2011 capital programme as set out in Appendix 9c(i).



Recommendations Approved



The Head of Finance and the Corporate Strategy and Performance Manager submitted a report covering the Council’s performance in 2009/2010, as measured through the Corporate Scorecard, and summarises the Council’s provisional Revenue and Capital performance for the financial year 2009/2010. The Leader of the Council requested that a 1 page aide memoire regarding this document be produced for councillors.




1)           That it be noted despite tougher performance targets, the Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 96% of the performance targets in the Corporate Scorecard and met or made satisfactory progress on 97% of the performance targets in the Corporate Plan.


2)           That it be noted despite tougher performance targets, the Council has met or made satisfactory progress on 98% of the targets in the Corporate Improvement Plan.


3)          That the progress in delivering the Council’s strategic objectives and the many achievements referred to in paragraphs 1.4 and 1.5 be noted.


4)          That an update on the issues highlighted below be given:


·        The performance for processing new benefits claims and changes in circumstances. Throughout the year monthly performance reports kept a watching brief on the performance of the service and the impact of the new service delivery contract. Performance has shown a steady trend of improvement, in March 2010 the average time to process a new claim was 18.7 days (below the target of 20 days) and the average time to process a change in circumstance was 10.97 against a target of 13. However, the Council recognises that this is an issue that needs to be kept under review and the quarter one performance report for 2010/11 will include a summary of ongoing performance.


·        Planning performance in terms of appeals and major developments. An update will be given in the next quarterly report; this indicator has been kept under review in the light of the impact of the recession.


·        In 2009/10 Banbury Museum and Tourist Information Centre received only 1518 fewer visits than in the previous year despite the changes to opening hours. The target for 2010/11 will be re-profiled, reflecting the Sunday closure and included within the next quarterly performance report.


·        Adult and children’s participation in sport and positive activities. County wide surveys indicate a possible drop in performance. We don’t yet have the detailed information at a district level but this will be kept under review to identify any impacts for Cherwell.


·        Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days: this target is slightly off track and actions are in place to improve performance. In addition a new target has been added to the performance management framework for 2010/11 which sets tougher targets of 14 days for local suppliers (in line with our sustainable procurement strategy). An update will be brought forward in the next quarterly performance report.


5)          That the provisional revenue out-turn position for 2009/2010 detailed in Annex 3 to the minutes (as set out in the minute book) be agreed.


6)          That agreement be give to the carry forward revenue budgets which have slipped in 2009/2010 being carried forward into the 2010/2011 revenue budget as set out in Annex 4 to the minutes (as set out in the minute book).


7)           That the continued improvement in accuracy and reliability that the Council has made in projecting the year end position through the embedding of the Corporate Dashboard be noted.


8)          That the provisional capital out-turn position for 2009/2010 detailed in Annex 5 to the minutes (as set out in the minute book) be noted.


9)           That the balances on capital schemes which have slipped in 2009/2010 to be carried forward into the 2010/2011 capital programme be agreed as set out in Annex 6 to the minutes (as set out in the minute book).




The Council’s performance in 2009/10 as measured through the Performance Management Framework and the provisional revenue and capital position.  Central to this is the Corporate Scorecard, which is made up of the Council’s priority performance targets.  The Corporate Scorecard covers seven areas of performance.  These are performance against the Local Area Agreement and the Community Strategy, the Corporate Plan promises, National Indicators, priority service indicators, finance, human resource, and customer satisfaction targets.




Option One

To review current performance levels and consider any actions arising.


Option Two

To approve or reject the recommendations above.


Supporting documents: