Agenda item

Draft Budget and Corporate Plan 2010 - 2011 Analysis 2

Report of Head of Finance




The Council has to adopt a budget for 2010/11 as the basis for calculating its level of Council Tax and has to base that budget on its plans for service delivery during the year, recognising any changes in service demand that may arise in future years.  This is the second opportunity that the Executive has to shape and refine the interaction between corporate plan service plans and financial matters before the final budget is presented to the Council on the 22 February 2010.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Consider the draft revenue budget 2 (detailed in Appendix 1a) in the context of the Council’s service objectives and strategic priorities (see thecorporate plan Appendix 1b).

(2)               Consider the draft corporate plan for 2010/11 noting the addition of two new aims around the Eco-Town and Breaking the Cycle of Deprivation as requested by the Executive at their meeting on 7 December 2009 (detailed in Appendix 1b).

(3)               Agree the approach to the overall capital programme and 10/11 expenditure profile (detailed in Appendix 2).

(4)               Advise of any matters they would like taken into consideration in producing a balanced budget for the next meeting of the Executive.

(5)               Consider the recommendations of the Resources and Performance Scrutiny Board from their meeting of December 1 2009, having undertaken a review of the Council’s prioritisation matrix, revenue expenditure by service and reviewed the capital bids received as part of the 2010/11 process (detailed in Appendix 3).

(6)               Consider the Tax Base Report and associated discretionary powers (Appendix 4) and

·        to resolve that, in accordance with the Regulations, as amended, the amount calculated by the Cherwell District Council as its council tax base for the year 2010/2011 shall be 50,113; and

·        to approve the report of the Head of Finance, made pursuant to the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as amended, and the calculations referred to therein for the purposes of the Regulations; and

·        to resolve that the tax base for parts of the area be in accordance with the figures shown in column 13 of Appendix 4b.

·        to resolve to continue with the discretionary awards that it resolved to give on December 1 2008 and detailed in Appendix 4c.




The Head of Finance submitted a report which provided Executive with the second of three opportunities to shape and refine the interaction between corporate plan service plans and financial matters before the final budget is presented to Council on the 22 February 2010.


The Chief Finance Officer circulated an amended Draft Capital Programme 2010/11 to Members for consideration.




(1)               That the draft revenue budget 2 be considered in the context of the Council’s service objectives and strategic priorities.

(2)               That the draft corporate plan for 2010/11 be considered and that the addition of two new aims around the Eco-Town and Breaking the Cycle of Deprivation as requested by the Executive at their meeting on 7 December 2009 be noted.

(3)               That the approach to the overall capital programme and 10/11 expenditure profile be agreed.

(4)               That any matters Members would like taken into consideration in producing a balanced budget for the next meeting of the Executive be advised.

(5)               That the recommendations of the Resources and Performance Scrutiny Board from their meeting of December 1 2009, having undertaken a review of the Council’s prioritisation matrix, revenue expenditure by service and reviewed the capital bids received as part of the 2010/11 process be considered.

(6)               That the Tax Base Report and associated discretionary powers be considered and

·        That it be resolved that, in accordance with the Regulations, as amended, the amount calculated by the Cherwell District Council as its council tax base for the year 2010/2011 shall be 50,113; and

·        That the report of the Head of Finance, made pursuant to the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as amended, and the calculations referred to therein for the purposes of the Regulations be approved; and

·        That it be resolved that the tax base for parts of the area be in accordance with the figures shown in column 13 of Annex 1 attached to these minutes.

·        That the discretionary awards that Executive it resolved to give on December 1 2008 be continued.


(7)               That Officers be requested to include a separate heading for tackling deprivation in the quarterly Performance Management Framework updates.


(8)               That the Chief Executive be requested to provide a monthly synopsis to Executive Members on the work the council is undertaking to tackle deprivation.


Reasons – The budget will form the financial expression of the Councils strategic priorities and service delivery plans for 2010/11; the allocation of resources against agreed service priorities is necessary in order to achieve its strategic points.




Option One

To review draft revenue and capital budget to date and consider actions arising.


Option Two

To approve or reject the recommendations above or request that Officers provide additional information.





Supporting documents: