(1) That having given due consideration, the Council’s Performance Monitoring Report Quarter 3 2024 - 2025 be noted.
(2) That Executive be requested to consider writing to social housing providers in the district to enquire how the providers are spending government grants to improve their stock in relation to the energy efficiency of housing in Cherwell with particular reference to the eradication of damp and mould.
The Committee considered a report from the Assistant Director – Customer Focus that detailed the Council’s performance position at the end of Quarter 3 2024-2025.
In introducing the report, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services advised that out of the 55 measures the Council, 44 were on track, 8 measures were slightly behind target and 3 measures were behind target. Of the 16 business plan measures 12 were not met, or achieved within the agreed tolerance, 2 were slightly behind and 2 were behind target. The two behind target were: -
- Number of homeless households in temporary accommodation, with 77 households in temporary accommodation against the target of 45. And reflects national statistics.
- Number of affordable homes delivered, with 38 affordable homes delivered against the target of 50 for quarter 3, this was reflected against the annual target, which was reported ahead, with 192 homes delivered against the target of 150.
Of the 15 annual delivery plan milestones, 12 were achieved and 3 were slightly behind schedule. All priorities except one were on track for delivery by year end. Of the 24 EDI action plan activities, 3 were slightly delayed.
Members were advised that the Quarter 4 monitoring report would be the final monitoring report under the current business plan. The 2025-26 business plan had been consulted on and would be submitted to the 24 February Council meeting alongside the 2025-2026 for agreement. The Priority areas were:
- Economic Prosperity
- Community Leadership
- Environmental Stewardship
- Quality Housing and Place Making
Members were also advised of the development of a new draft vision for a modern Council inspiring and enabling positive lasting change. The draft vision had been positively received by residents surveyed. This would also be submitted to the 24 February Council meeting.
In considering the report, Members commented that the number of households in Temporary Accommodation was the same as the previous quarter last quarter and queried if this meant that as one household moved into permanent accommodation another household took their place and sought clarity on ow much temporary accommodation the council had.
In response to the question, the Portfolio Holder for Housing explained there was no secondary waiting and offered to follow up with a written supplementary response.
In response to a committee question on the cost of temporary accommodation to the council and impact on the overall Council budget, the Committee was advised that spend for the last financial year was £634,000. The Council had thus far been able to operate within existing budgets in delivering that temporary accommodation. There was a base budget provided for that provision but there were also government grants that the Council received annually that had been unspent in previous years creating financial reserves.
Having received several written questions in advance the Portfolio Holder for Housing agreed that responses would be provided in writing after the meeting.
In response to a question regarding the allocation of Government funds to tackle the condition of social housing within the area it was proposed by Councillor Parsons and seconded by Councillor Broad that the Executive be recommended to consider writing to social housing providers in the district to enquire how the providers are spending government grants to improve their stock in relation to the energy efficiency of housing in Cherwell with particular reference to the eradication of damp and mold.
Members voted unanimously in favour of the recommendation
The Chair advised that a recommendation had been submitted in advance. It was proposed by Councillor Parsons and seconded by Councillor Crichton that Notwithstanding the dedicated work by Council officers and the department to address homelessness and reduce the number of households in Temporary Accommodation, this Committee recommends that the Executive prioritise this area of work.
This Committee recommends that the Executive develop a robust plan for reducing homelessness and the numbers of households in Temporary Accommodation. This plan should include:
A. criteria for target setting,
B. how the Council intends to use the additional funding provided by the government to address the number of families trapped in Temporary Accommodation and
C. ways in which the Council can prevent the increasing numbers of children in Temporary Accommodation.”
Members proceeded to discuss the recommendation seeking advice from officers regarding the proposals. On being put to the vote, there were 2 votes in favour, 7 against and no abstentions. The motion was therefore lost and fell.
(1) That having given due consideration, the Council’s Performance Monitoring Report Quarter 3 2024 - 2025 be noted.
(2) That Executive be recommended to write to social housing providers in the district to enquire how the providers are spending government grants to improve their stock in relation to the energy efficiency of housing in Cherwell with particular reference to the eradication of damp and mold.
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