Agenda item

Whitelands Farm Sports Centre - Grant of Lease and Transfer of Commuted Funds

Report of Assistant Director Property


Purpose of report


Proposal for the future operation and long-term management of Whitelands Farm Sports Centre and grant of a long leasehold interest of Whitelands Farm Sports Centre to Bicester Town Council.


The Executive resolves:


1.1         To approve ‘in principle’ (pending completion of the advertising requirements described below) the grant of a new 90-year lease at a peppercorn rent to Bicester Town Council to operate and manage the Whitelands Farm Sports Centre.


1.2         To approve the transfer of a commuted sum of £30,000 to Bicester Town Council upon completion of the lease.





(1)          That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Property to enter into a  90-year lease of  Whitelands Farm Sports Centre at a peppercorn rent to Bicester Town Council subject to completion of the legal formalities and advertising requirements described below.


(2)          That the transfer of a commuted sum of £30,000 to Bicester Town Council upon completion of the lease be approved.



The Assistant Director Property submitted a report which sought consideration of a proposal for the future operation and long-term management of Whitelands Farm Sports Centre and grant of a long leasehold interest of Whitelands Farm Sports Centre to Bicester Town Council.


In considering the report, Bicester Executive members commented that the proposal was welcomed by the vast majority of residents in Bicester. In response to Members’ questions, the Assistant Director Wellbeing and Housing Services explained she had been in contact with Bicester Town Council clerk who was comfortable with the transfer arrangements.   




(1)          That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Property to enter into a  90-year lease of  Whitelands Farm Sports Centre at a peppercorn rent to Bicester Town Council subject to completion of the legal formalities and advertising requirements described below.


(2)          That the transfer of a commuted sum of £30,000 to Bicester Town Council upon completion of the lease be approved.




Bicester Town Council (BTC)  currently lease other property from the Council used for sports and pitch provision. The addition of Whitelands Farm Sports Centre to their portfolio would enable them to offer a wider and more holistic sports provision to local teams and residents.


The Council acquires land from developers, usually through Section 106 agreements, to ensure there is an adequate supply of sports pitch provision available for the growing population of Cherwell. These acquisitions place long-term financial burdens on the Council to maintain and operate the sites, long after the commuted sum is spent. The grant of a long lease to BTC who will have full operational and management responsibility removes the ongoing financial burden to the Council.


Members have agreed to review policies associated with acquiring sports pitches and their onward ownership and maintenance. Consultation with Town and Parish Councils, where development is likely will determine the willingness of third tier authorities to take on responsibility for community amenities, as negotiations continue with developers. Towns and larger villages are showing some appetite for an approach which ensures operation is at the closest level to residents. Grant of a long lease to BTC aligns with this approach.


A yearly tenancy was granted to BTC in March 2022 to operate the facility while terms for a longer lease were agreed. BTC have broadened sports and social provision during this time for the benefit of local residents.


Alternative options


Option 1: To revert to an operator model.

This option has been rejected as it fails to provide BTC with control over how their resources are deployed in the delivery of the service at the site. Furthermore, this option does not provide the Council with any certainty over the longer-term viability, management and maintenance of the facility.


Option 2: Work with a local sports club to operate and maintain the facility.

This option has been rejected as it would negatively impact on those teams from other sports who currently use the site and would probably take the site out of public ownership contravening the Section 106 agreement.




Supporting documents: