Agenda item

Updates to the Constitution

Report of the Monitoring Officer


Purpose of report


The Constitution is the document by which, in accordance with the law, the Council exercises all its powers and duties. It is essential that it is reviewed to ensure it remains fit for purpose. This is to update members with the latest changes following meetings of the Constitution Review Group (CRG).



The meeting is recommended:

1.1          To note the amendments being made under the existing Monitoring Officer delegation, as detailed in Appendix 5


1.2          To approve the amendments to the Constitution referred to in this report and appendices 3, 4 and 6.


1.3          To delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to make the amendments to the Constitution, including a delegation to make textual amendments to address any inconsistencies or correct any cross-referencing errors arising from or as a consequence of the amendments (insofar as the Monitoring Officer does not already have such a delegation).





(1)          That the amendments being made under the existing Monitoring Officer delegation be noted.


(2)          That the following amendments to the Constitution be approved: Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules; Contract Procedure Rules, and Annex to the Code of Conduct for local determination of applications.


(3)          That authority be delegated to the Monitoring Officer to make the amendments to the Constitution, including a delegation to make textual amendments to address any inconsistencies or correct any cross-referencing errors arising from or as a consequence of the amendments (insofar as the Monitoring Officer does not already have such a delegation).



The Monitoring Officer submitted a report to update Council on the latest changes to the Constitution following meetings of the Constitution Review Group (CRG).


In introducing the report, the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, Councillor Dallimore, highlighted that the Constitution was the document by which, in accordance with the law, the Council exercised all its powers and duties. It was essential that it is reviewed to ensure it remained fit for purpose.  




(1)          That the amendments being made under the existing Monitoring Officer delegation be noted.


(2)          That the following amendments to the Constitution be approved: Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules; Contract Procedure Rules, and Annex to the Code of Conduct for local determination of applications.


(3)          That authority be delegated to the Monitoring Officer to make the amendments to the Constitution, including a delegation to make textual amendments to address any inconsistencies or correct any cross-referencing errors arising from or as a consequence of the amendments (insofar as the Monitoring Officer does not already have such a delegation).


Supporting documents: