Agenda item

Proposed Eco-Town at Weston Otmoor - Update

6.30 pm

Report of Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy




To update the Executive and present further information on:


(i) Government publication Draft of the Planning Policy Statement on Eco Towns and the Sustainability Appraisal of the Eco Towns Programme, and:


(ii) the Council’s involvement in the continuing assessment of the Weston Otmoor Eco-Town proposal.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)       To note the contents of the Report and the supporting Appendices.




Agreed, with the amendment that a further report be requested for the December meeting setting out the next steps that will be required with regard to this issue.


The Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy submitted a report to update the Executive and present further information on the Government publication Draft of the Planning Policy Statement on Eco Towns and the Sustainability Appraisal of the Eco Towns Programme, and the Council’s involvement in the continuing assessment of the Weston Otmoor Eco-Town proposal.


Councillor Mrs Fulljames and Councillor Fulljames addressed the Executive on this issue. The Executive discussed the issue in detail and agreed the recommendations as set out in the report with the amendment that a further report be requested for the December meeting setting out the next steps that would be required with regard to this issue.


Resolved, that the contents of the Report and the supporting Appendices be noted and that a further report be requested for the December meeting setting out the next steps that would be required with regard to this issue.


Reasons - the Eco-Town process has attracted considerable comment and concern  Throughout this process, the Council has maintained a watching brief on the issue.


Councillor Pickford requested that her abstention be recorded in the minutes.


Supporting documents: