Agenda item

Unit 6, Chalker Way, Banbury, OX16 4XD


Approved, subject to various requirements to be set out in the Minutes



The Committee considered application 19/00487/F for Phase 2 Central M40 - Unit 6 - 17,768 sqm of logistics floorspace within Class B2 or B8, including ancillary class B1(a) offices (697 sqm), service yard and access to Chalker Way at Unit 6, Chalker Way, Banbury, OX16 4XD for DB Symmetry Ltd.


Karen Hingley, the applicant’s agent, addressed the committee in support of the application.


In reaching their decision, the committee considered the officers report, presentation and the address of the public speaker.




That application 19/00487/F is approved, subject to:


a)    The land-owners entering into an appropriate legal agreement and;

b)    subject to the following conditions:


1.               The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.


2.               Except where otherwise stipulated by conditions attached to this permission, the development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following plans and documents:  

         Site location plan(dwg. No. 6235-003)

         Site layout plan (dwg no 5884-060 Rev E)

         Site layout plan external finishes (dwg no 5884-066 Rev A)

         Proposed Elevations (dwg no. 6236-001)

         Proposed context elevation (dwg no 6236-002)

         Building Plan (dwg no. 5884-061 Rev A)

         Roof Plan (dwg no. 5884-062 Rev A)

         Sprinkler Tank and Pump House (dwg no. 5884-067)

         Office Floor Plans (dwg no. 5884-063 Rev A)

         Design and access statement (Dec 2011) and addendum document (April 2012)

         Architectural design statement (prepared AJA)

         Landscape and Visual Assessment addendum (prepared by Aspect dated Dec2019 ref 6870 .LVIA Addendum 002)

         Transport Assessment Technical Note (ref 07010-HYD-XX-XX-TN-TP-101-P.1.2)

         Flood Risk Assessment Technical Note (ref C07010C-Unit 6-TN-001)

         Dry Vibro Displacement Method Statement


3.               The drainage strategy for the site shall be in general accordance with the FRA  prepared by Peter Brett Associates dated Dec 2011 and the details approved by the Council under application 16/00354/DISC on 27th June 2016 and all works shall be complete prior to the occupation of the building


4.                  The flood storage area and associated landscaping, ground re-profiling, and ecological enhancement shall be undertaken in accordance with the details approved by the Council under application 16/00167/DISC on 27 June 2016 ,and planting plans dwg no 4995/ASPOO1-11Rev C/D referred to in Frampton’s letter dated 17 January 2018 with respect to conditions 3 and 8 of the Outline Planning permission 14/00180/OUT, and all relevant works shall be complete prior to the occupation of the building


5.                  The strategy for the translocation of reptiles, including the identification of receptor sites, the management scheme, landscaping and the arrangements for implementation. shall be undertaken in accordance with the 'Revised Reptile Mitigation Method Statement (Phase 2 Development) (February 2016 - Ref EDP1419_07f)' approved under application 15/00512/DISC on 29 February 2016


6.                  The development shall be implemented in accordance with the land contamination strategy set out in the  Land Contamination Report, in accordance with the 'Desk Study and Ground Investigation at Overthorpe Road, Banbury - Combined Report (Hydrock Ref: R/11237/003 - March 2013)' submitted in application reference no 15/00062/DISC approved on 23 January 2017


7.                   The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the  Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation, in accordance with the documents titled "Project specification for an archaeological excavation and recording action" - 8th January 2016 (revised 25/5/16) ORB16-150exc; and "Spital Farm, Overthorpe Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire - An Archaeological Evaluation for Kennet Properties" - SFB04-60 (October 2008) submitted in application reference no 15/00062/DISC and approved by the Council on 23 January 2017


8.                  Landscape management and tree planting shall be undertaken in accordance with the Landscape Management Plan Ref No 4995.LMP.005.VF(March 2016) submitted as part of application 16/00167/DISC approved by the Council on 27 June 2016


9.                  Construction Traffic Management shall be undertaken in accordance with the Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) for Phase 2 of the development, including full details of wheel washing facilities, a restriction on construction and delivery traffic during construction and a route to the development site. In accordance with the 'Central M40 (Units 5, 6, 7 and 8) Construction Traffic Management Plan (dated February 2016)' submitted under application ref no 15/00512/DISC and approved by the Council on 29 February 2016.


10.               The development hereby approved shall be the subject of the Travel Plan for Phase 2 of the development, in accordance with the 'Travel Plan - Units 5, 6, 7 and 8 (March 2016)' document submitted under application 16/00131/DISC and approved by the Council on 29 April 2016.


11.               The existing public footpath on the site shall be protected and fenced as set out in the covering letter from Frampton's dated 5th August 2014 and the Heras Fencing details submitted in respect of S/2011/1620/MAO and received 04 February 2014 as submitted under application ref no 14/00035/DISC and approved by the Council on 9th December 2014.


12.               The building hereby approved shall be constructed to achieve at least a BREEAM ‘Very Good’ rating based on the relevant BREEAM standard for that building type applicable at the time of the decision.


13.               The new public footpath to be provided shall be built in accordance with these details submitted under ref no 14/00259/DISC and approved by the Council on 3rd August 2015


14.               The proposed means of access shall be provided prior to the first occupation of the building hereby approved in accordance with the details submitted under application ref no  15/00178/DISC and approved by the Council on 3 August 2015


15.               The ecological enhancement measures relevant to this site proposed in submitted in  application and approved by the  Council  on 21 November 2016 shall be implemented prior to its first occupation


16.               No external lighting shall be installed until details of all external lighting, security lighting and floodlighting including the design, position, orientation and any screening of the lighting has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting shall be installed and operated in accordance with the approved scheme at all times thereafter.


17.               Prior to the first use or occupation of the development hereby permitted, covered cycle parking facilities shall be provided on the site in accordance with the approved drawings. The covered cycle parking facilities so provided shall thereafter be permanently retained and maintained for the parking of cycles in connection with the development.


18.               The existing areas shown for parking, turning and/or loading and unloading on the approved plan(s) shall be permanently set aside and reserved for that purpose unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.



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