Agenda item

Bicester Heritage, Buckingham Road, Bicester


Approved, subject to various requirements to be set out in the Minutes


The Committee considered application 18/01333/F for an extension to an existing Technical Site to provide new employment units comprising flexible B1(c) light industrial, B2 (general industrial), B8 (storage or distribution) uses with ancillary offices, storage, display and sales, together with associated access, parking and landscaping at Bicester Heritage, Buckingham Road, Bicester at Bicester Heritage Ltd.


Dan Geoghegan, the applicant, addressed the committee in support of the application.


In reaching their decision the committee considered the officers’ report, presentation, written update and the address of the public speaker.




That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Planning Policy and Development to grant planning permission, subject to:


I.                    continuing negotiations in respect of the highways infrastructure, in particular the strategic transport contribution and other public transport and pedestrian/cycling infrastructure;


II.                   in the event that the highways infrastructure contributions are not resolved satisfactorily then the application will be reported back to committee with a revised recommendation;


III.                   no further objections are received from OCC Highways, OCC Drainage, CDC Ecology, CDC Heritage and Urban Design and the Bicester Delivery Team in respect of the amended plans and revised information submitted;


IV.                   in the event that objections are still maintained relating to the application and these cannot be adequately resolved, the application will be reported back to committee with a revised recommendation;


V.                   Conditions relating to the matters detailed below (the exact conditions and the wording of those conditions to be delegated to the Assistant Director for Planning Policy and Development).


VI.                   Completion of a planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as substituted by the Planning and Compensation Act 1991, in accordance with the summary of the Heads of Terms set out below;


·           Strategic Transport Contribution in connection with Policy BIC 1 of the Local Transport Plan 4 in respect of the dualling of the eastern perimeter route and Skimmingdish Lane section (amount to be agreed);

·           £24,284 for Public Transport Infrastructure – for a north bound bus shelter and 2 x real-time information systems (to be agreed);

·           £2,600 for an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order for a reduction in the speed limit on Buckingham Road;

·           £2,040 for Travel Plan monitoring

·           An obligation to enter into a S278 agreement with Highways

·           S106 Monitoring fees





1.            Time limit – 3 years

2.            Approved plans

3.            Amount of uses approved – with flexibility



4.            *Finish floor levels (on grounds of visual impact and surface water flooding mitigation)

5.            *Schedule of materials (including samples)

6.            *Architectural detailing

7.            Boundary treatment (if required) details to be submitted

8.            Lighting strategy which also must take into account the recommendations in the ecology assessment and to minimise light pollution

9.            Signage strategy


Trees and Landscaping


10.         Landscaping scheme – hard and soft details – evergreen    species, tree pit detailing

11.         Further details of grasscrete

12.         Landscape Management and Maintenance Plan

13.         *Tree removal plan

14.         Replacement tree planting plan



15.         No building to be occupied until access improvements (shared footway and pedestrian crossing) have been carried out

16.         *Construction Travel Management Plan (CTMP)

17.         Car parking – related to breakdown of uses

18.         Cycle parking – secure and covered – amount to be increased

19.         Amendments to Travel Plan – including Car Parking Management Plan

20.         Secondary access emergency use only



21.         *Surface Water Drainage Strategy and SUDs management and maintenance

22.         Water network upgrades or Infrastructure Phasing Plan – for water



23.         *Contamination – including a preliminary risk assessment, site investigation, remediation strategy and verification plan

24.         Verification report and long-term monitoring and maintenance plan – no occupation

25.         Unexpected contamination not previously identified, require development to stop and submit a remediation strategy


            Energy Efficiency

26.         The development should meet BREEAM ‘Very Good’ rating

27.         Use of photovoltaic panels – details to be submitted if proposed



28.         *Plant and machinery

29.         *Noise – acoustic enclosure

30.         *Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP)



31.         Employment and Skills and Training Plan

32.         Construction apprenticeships



33.         Accord with survey – Section 5

34.         Mitigation Strategy for Great Crested Newt

35.         *Landscape and Ecological Management Plan



36.         *Written Scheme of Investigation

37.         *Archaeological evaluation and mitigation


(* Approval will be required from the applicant for the conditions shown with an asterisk which at the time of writing the report are anticipated likely to need to be pre-commencement conditions)


Supporting documents: