Agenda item

Land North Of Bicester Avenue Garden Centre, Oxford Road, Bicester


Approved, subject to various requirements to be set out in the Minutes


The Committee considered application 17/02534/OUT an outline application for the construction of a business park of up to 60,000 sq.m (GEA) of flexible Class B1(a) office / Class B1(b) research & development floorspace; associated vehicle parking, landscaping, highways, infrastructure and earthworks at Land North Of Bicester Avenue Garden Centre, Oxford Road, Bicester for Scenic Land Developments Ltd.


Councillor Sames addressed the committee as local Ward member.


Chris Goddard, planning consultant and John Holmes, agent for the applicant addressed the committee in support of the application.


In reaching their decision, the committee considered the officers’ report, presentation, written update and the address of the public speakers and ward member.




That application 17/02534/OUT be approved, subject to the following:


a)               Satisfactory resolution of OCC’s concerns regarding the impact on local junctions subject to input from the independent transport consultant;


b)               Satisfactory resolution of officers’ concerns with regards net biodiversity impact and the impacts on protected/priority species;


c)               Determination as to whether the strategic highway contributions and bus service contributions sought by OCC are justified and, where considered to be necessary, that such contributions are sought to the extent that the development would not prove unviable;


d)               Satisfactorily completion of a legal agreement with Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council to secure those items listed in paragraph 8.44 of the officer’s report


All of the above to be determined as satisfactory by the Assistant Director of Planning Policy and Development in consultation with the Chairman of Planning Committee. Where such above matters are not considered to be satisfactory, the application is to be referred back to Planning Committee.


e)               Imposition of the following conditions as summarised below subject to such amendments as deemed appropriate by the Assistant Director of Planning Policy and Development:


1.               Submission and approval of Reserved Matters

2.               Submission and approved of Phasing Plan

3.               Time limit for submission of Reserved Matters

4.               Time limit for implementation

5.               Development in accordance with approved plans/drawings/documents

6.               Submission and approval of existing and proposed ground levels/floor levels per phase

7.               Submission and approval of fire hydrants within each phase

8.               Removal of permitted development rights for above ground utility infrastructure

9.               Development to achieve BREEAM ‘very good’ standard

10.            Submission and approval of details of renewable energy technology within each phase

11.            Submission and approval of surface water drainage strategy for the whole development

12.            Submission and approval of SuDS scheme for each phase

13.            Development to take place in accordance with the submitted Flood Risk Assessment

14.            Submission and approval of foul drainage scheme for each phase

15.            Undertaken desk study of contamination

16.            Undertake Phase 2 contamination assessment if necessary

17.            Submission and approval of remediation scheme where contamination found

18.            Undertake approved remediation scheme and require verification prior to occupation

19.            Requirement to cease work and submit remediation strategy in the event of finding unexpected contamination

20.            Provision of electric vehicle charging points in each phase

21.            Submission and approval of construction management plan for each phase

22.            Submission of odour report with each Reserved Matters application

23.            Restriction of use to Class B1(a) and Class B1(b) with only up to 15,000sqm GEA able to be used for Class B1(b) purposes

24.            Submission and approval of a car park management plan for each phase

25.            Submission and approval of pedestrian connections to the A41 and Bicester Avenue Garden Centre

26.            Submission and approval of further details of the vehicular access to the development from Lakeview Drive

27.            Submission and approval of a revised Framework Travel Plan for the development

28.            Submission and approval of a travel plan per phase

29.            Submission and approval of a written scheme of investigation

30.            Undertaken archaeological evaluation in accordance with the approved written scheme of investigation

31.            No removal of hedgerows or site clearance during breeding birds season unless checked by qualified ecologist first

32.            Requirement for a protected species check by a qualified ecologist prior to development commencing

33.            Biodiversity statement to be submitted as part of each Reserved Matters application relating to a phase

34.            Submission and approval of a scheme of landscaping and ecological enhancement together with associated management plan for blue edged land shown on site location plan

35.            Submission and approval of a scheme of public art prior to occupation

36.            Requirement to undertake impact studies on mains water supply to determine any capacity improvements necessary



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