Agenda item

Plot 1 Mallories, Cherry Street, Stratton Audley


Approved, subject to various requirements to be set out in the Minutes


The Committee considered application 17/01709/F for the removal of condition 7 (plan of wall, method of joining stonework) of 16/02630/F at Plot 1 Mallories, Cherry Street, Stratton Audley for Mr Michael Long.


Robin Boyd, speaking on behalf of the applicant, addressed the committee in support to the application. The address also covered the subsequent application 17/01710/F.


In reaching their decision, the committee considered the officer’s report and presentation and the address of the public speaker.




That application 17/01709/F be approved, subject to the following conditions:


1             The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than 3 April 2020.


2             Except where otherwise stipulated by conditions attached to this permission, the development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following plans and documents submitted with the original application 16/02630/F: Application forms, P/16/124/010 Rev. G, P/16/124/012 Rev. H, P/16/124/031, P/16/124/032, P/16/124/030 Rev. A,  P/16/124/040, P/16/124/034 and P/16/124/033.


3             Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a Programme of Works for carrying out the development in conjunction with that approved under 17/01710/F shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Programme of Works shall include a timetable for each phase of development, and shall demonstrate how the two dwellings will be developed as a single building. Thereafter, the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved Programme of Works.


4             Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a landscaping scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme for landscaping the site shall include:-


(a)       details of the proposed tree and shrub planting including their species, number, sizes and positions, together with grass seeded/turfed areas,


(b)       details of the existing trees and hedgerows to be retained as well as those to be felled, including existing and proposed soil levels at the base of each tree/hedgerow and the minimum distance between the base of the tree and the nearest edge of any excavation,


(c)        details of the hard surface areas, including pavements, pedestrian areas, reduced-dig areas, crossing points and steps,


(d)       details of the boundary treatments including fencing and gates, both pedestrian and vehicular, and the materials used.


            Thereafter, the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved landscaping scheme.


5             All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in accordance with BS 4428:1989 Code of Practice for general landscape operations (excluding hard surfaces), or the most up to date and current British Standard, in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the building(s) or on the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. Any trees, herbaceous planting and shrubs which, within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the current/next planting season with others of similar size and species.


 6         Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, an Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS), undertaken in accordance with BS:5837:2012 and all subsequent amendments and shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, all works on site shall be carried out in accordance with the approved AMS.


7     Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a Method Statement detailing how the stonework of the existing wall adjacent to Church Street shall be retained and incorporated into the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Method Statement shall detail, as a minimum:

a)        Method of demolition of the existing wall

b)        Identification of stone to be re-used and stone to be discarded

c)         Arrangements for the storage and labelling of stone to be re-used

d)        Method of re-using the existing stone in the development


         Thereafter, the works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Method Statement.


8          Prior to any works commencing above slab level, a stone sample panel (minimum 1m2 in size) shall be constructed on site in natural limestone to match the stonework of the existing wall adjacent to Church Street, which shall be inspected and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the new stonework to be used in the construction of the external walls of the dwelling hereby approved shall be laid, dressed, coursed and pointed in strict accordance with the approved stone sample panel.


 9         Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, samples of the slate to be used in the construction of the external roof of the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the samples so approved.


10        The rooflights hereby approved shall be Conservation Grade and of a design which, when installed, does project forwards of the general roof surface.


11        The rainwater goods to be installed in the development shall be cast iron or metal finished black, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


12        Prior to the first occupation of the dwelling hereby approved, full specification details (including construction, layout, surfacing and drainage) of the turning area and two parking spaces to be provided within the curtilage of the site, arranged so that motor vehicles may enter, turn round and leave in a forward direction and vehicles may park off the highway, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, and prior to the first occupation of the development, the turning area and car parking spaces shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained for the parking and manoeuvring of vehicles at all times thereafter.


13        Prior to the first occupation of the dwelling hereby approved, a plan showing the means of pedestrian access between the dwelling and the shared parking area, including where necessary details of gates, means of enclosure and hardstanding, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved means of access shall be provided prior to the first occupation of the dwelling and shall be retained as such thereafter. 


Supporting documents: