Agenda item

OS Parcel 2945 Grange Farm West Of Station Cottage, Station Road, Launton


Refused, reasons to be set out in the minutes


The Committee considered application 17/00803/OUT an outline application for a residential development of up to a maximum of 70 dwellings, provision of open space, landscaping, access, infrastructure & demolition of outbuildings at OS Parcel 2945 Grange Farm, West of Station Cottage, Station Road, Launton for Richborough Estates.


In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officer’s report and presentation and the written update.




That application 17/00803/OUT be refused for the following reasons:


1.         Having regard to the District’s strong housing supply and delivery position the proposals would result in an unnecessary development of greenfield land forming part of the open countryside which would result in an unacceptable extension of the village that would harm the character and rural setting of the village to the detriment of the built, natural and historic environment. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies Villages 2 and ESD15 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1, policy C28 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and Government advice within the National Planning Policy Framework.


2.         The application site is located some distance from the centre of the village, this would create a new community isolated from the existing village and services and would place heavy reliance on unsustainable car use to reach even local services within the village such as the school and shop. This lack of connectivity within the existing settlement would result in an isolated form of unsustainable development which would be contrary to Policy ESD15 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1 as well as Government guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.


3.         The proposed development fails to demonstrate that any of the applicable criteria as set out in policy SLE1 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1 have been met and as such would result in the unacceptable loss of employment land. No other planning objectives would outweigh the value of retaining the site in employment use and as such the development would be contrary to policy SLE1 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1.


4.         The application and accompanying Illustrative Masterplan(s)/indicative layout submitted fail to adequately take adequate account of the policy requirements for general green open space and outdoor sports provision. As such, the Local Planning Authority is unable to determine whether the quantum of residential development proposed could be satisfactorily accommodated on site in accordance with basic policy requirements whilst also safeguarding areas identified within the application for landscape, ecological and biodiversity enhancements. The proposal therefore fails to accord with the requirements of policies BSC10, BSC11, ESD10, ESD13 and ESD15 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1 and Government advice within the National Planning Policy Framework.


5.         The Design and Access Statement and Illustrative Masterplan(s)/indicative layout submitted as part of application fails to provide sufficient acceptable detail in respect of design principles set as a basis for the future detailed consideration of the development proposed. This includes siting, form, appearance, materials and detailing of the proposed new dwellings. The Local Planning Authority is therefore unable to determine whether the development proposed could be satisfactorily accommodated on site in a manner that would respect its context and respond to local distinctiveness. The proposal therefore fails to accord with the requirements of Policy ESD15 of the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 Part 1 and policies C28 and C30 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and Government advice within the National Planning Policy Framework.


6.         The site is located within an off-gas area where policies ESD4 and ESD5 apply. The application fails to provide the required feasibility studies for the consideration of Decentralised Energy Systems and onsite Renewable Energy provision. The proposal therefore fails to accord with the requirements of policies ESD4 and ESD5 of the Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and Government advice within the National Planning Policy Framework.


7.         In the absence of the completion of a satisfactory Planning Obligation, it cannot be demonstrated that the necessary infrastructure directly required both on and off site as a result of the development can be provided in the interests of safeguarding public infrastructure, delivering mixed and balanced communities through the provision of affordable housing and securing on site future maintenance arrangements. The development is therefore contrary to policy INF1, BSC3, BSC4, BSC9, BSC11, BSC12 of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 and Government advice within the National Planning Policy Framework.

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