Agenda item

Land West of OS Parcel 4100 Adjoining and South of Milton Road, Adderbury


Refused reasons to be set out in the minutes.


The Committee considered application 15/02359/OUT for a residential development of up to 50 No dwellings, access, infrastructure and public open space with means of access from Milton Road to be determined with all other matters reserved for subsequent approval at Land West of OS Parcel 4100 Adjoining and South of Milton Road, Adderbury for Rosconn Group Ltd.


In reaching their decision, the committee considered the officer’s report, presentation and written update.




That application 15/02359/OUT be refused for the following reasons:


1.            The development proposed, by reason of its scale and siting beyond the built up limits of the village, in open countryside, and taking into account the amount of new housing development already planned to take place in Adderbury, and Cherwell’s ability to demonstrate an up-to-date five year housing land supply, is considered to be unnecessary, undesirable and unsustainable new development that would harm the rural character and setting of the village, and would prejudice a more balanced distribution of rural housing growth planned for in the Cherwell local Plan. The proposal is therefore considered unacceptable in principle and contrary to Policies ESD13, ESD15 and Policy Villages 2 of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 and saved Policies C8 and C33 of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan 1996 and Government advice within the National Planning Policy Framework.


2.            By reason of its siting, scale form, appearance and relationship with the adjacent development, the proposal is considered to cause significant and unacceptable harm to the rural landscape character and quality of the area and setting of the village as experienced by local residents, visitors and users of Milton Road and the existing public right of way. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies ESD13, ESD15 and Policy Villages 2 of the adopted Cherwell local Plan 2011-2031 and saved Policy C33 of the adopted Cherwell local Plan 1996 and Government advice within the National Planning Policy Framework.


3.            By reason of the size of the development proposed and resulting loss of some 3.5ha of most versatile agricultural land, and taking into account the Council’s ability to demonstrate a five year housing lands supply, the quantum of housing development already planned for Adderbury, and the lack of evidence to demonstrate that there are no other sites in Category A villages in the District which would be preferable in terms of areas using poorer quality agricultural land to meet the District’s housing needs, the proposal is considered to result in unnecessary and unjustified loss of best and most versatile agricultural land. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies BSC2 and Policy Villages 2 of the adopted Cherwell local plan 2011-2031 and advice within the National Planning Policy Framework.


4.            The Design and Access Statement submitted as part of the application fails to provide sufficient detail in respect of the design principles for the new development, particularly in respect of the appearance of the dwellings, including design details, scale and form of the proposed new dwellings, window and door details, boundary enclosures and materials. It is therefore not possible to determine whether the development proposed will respect local distinctiveness and result in an appropriate form of development on this edge of village site. The proposal therefore fails to accord with the requirements of Policy ESD15 of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 and Government advice within the National Planning Policy Framework.


5.            By reason of the lack of a satisfactory completed Section 106 Agreement to secure contributions to the community services and infrastructure that would be directly affected by the development, and to secure provision of affordable housing to meet housing need, the Local Planning Authority cannot be satisfied that the impacts of the development in these respects can be made acceptable. The proposal therefore conflicts with Policies BSC3 and INF1 of the adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 and advice within the National Planning policy Framework.


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