Agenda item

Overview & Scrutiny Report: Rural Affordable Housing

Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee




To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Committee report on Rural Affordable Housing and Exception Sites.


Cllr Donaldson, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, will attend the meeting to present the report.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)         Note the work of the Task and Finish Group scrutiny review into rural affordable housing and exception sites as detailed in Appendix 1a;


2)         Agree the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations regarding rural affordable housing and exception sites as detailed in Appendix 1a.



Agreed subject to the additional resolutions:


1)     That Officers be requested to produce a further report on the potential advantages and disadvantages of employing directly an Enabling Officer


2)     That Officers be requested to produce a further report requesting relevant outside bodies to release land for rural exception sites


3)     That Officers be requested to produce a further report explaining how the work of the Rural Housing Trust has been taken up by other organisations.


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee submitted a report on Rural Affordable Housing and Exception sites.




1)                 That the work of the Task and Finish Group scrutiny review into rural affordable housing and exceptions sites be noted


2)                 That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations regarding rural affordable housing and exception sites as detailed below be agreed


a)            That Cherwell District Council should encourage a more pro-active approach to rural affordable housing and exception sites and that the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing be invited to fully investigate all opportunities for the provision of rural affordable housing through the Local Development Framework.  This should include a review of the relevant policies for the location of general rural affordable housing (including the potential to generate opportunities for some integral affordable provision), and of the criteria against which exception sites are assessed.


b)            That Cherwell District Council should encourage an open and transparent approach to communications associated with the delivery of rural affordable housing and exception sites.


c)             That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee endorses and recommends the proposed Rural Affordable Housing Improvement Plan to the Executive.


d)            That the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing should be asked to present the conclusions of this scrutiny review and the Executive/Council response at the Parish Liaison meeting in June 2009.


e)            That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should monitor progress against each of the above recommendations and review the situation, initially in September 2009.


3)           That in addition to the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee the following be agreed:


a)           That Officers be requested to produce a further report on the potential advantages and disadvantages of employing directly an Enabling Officer


b)           That Officers be requested to produce a further report requesting relevant outside bodies to release land for rural exception sites


c)      That Officers be requested to produce a further report explaining how the work of the Rural Housing Trust has been taken up by other organisations



Reasons – To consider the Overview and Scrutiny Review




Option One

To accept some or all of the overview and scrutiny recommendations.


Option Two

To reject some or all of the overview and scrutiny recommendations.



Supporting documents: