Agenda item

North West Bicester Update

Report of Commercial Director (Bicester)


Purpose of report


To advise Members of the expenditure of the Eco Town grant received in 2010 and projects delivered in Bicester, to enable consideration of the proposals for future expenditure and to authorise a change to the delegation for authorisation of expenditure.




The meeting is recommended:


 1.1        Note the expenditure that has taken place and the committed funding from the Eco Town grant


1.2         Note the progress that has been made in delivering projects to meet the aims of the One Shared Vision for the Town 


1.3         Agree the delegation of future expenditure to the Commercial Director (Bicester) in consultation with the Leader of the Council.





(1)          That the expenditure that has taken place and the committed funding from the Eco Town grant be noted.


(2)          That the progress that has been made in delivering projects to meet the aims of the One Shared Vision for the Town be noted.


(3)          That the delegation of future expenditure to the Commercial Director (Bicester) in consultation with the Leader of the Council be agreed.



The Commercial Director (Bicester) submitted a report to advise Members of the expenditure of the Eco Town grant received in 2010 and projects delivered in Bicester, to enable consideration of the proposals for future expenditure and to authorise a change to the delegation for authorisation of expenditure.




(1)          That the expenditure that has taken place and the committed funding from the Eco Town grant be noted.


(2)          That the progress that has been made in delivering projects to meet the aims of the One Shared Vision for the Town be noted.


(3)          That the delegation of future expenditure to the Commercial Director (Bicester) in consultation with the Leader of the Council be agreed.




Over the last 4 years a considerable amount of work has been done in Bicester and as this report demonstrates a number of outcomes have been delivered. Work has now started on site at NW Bicester on a national exemplar development as well as a masterplan for the whole site being submitted. The Project Team has worked with the promoters A2Dominion to ensure that the development meets the high standards set in the Eco Towns Planning Policy Statement. With work underway on site the potential to deliver key infrastructure on site in the form of the school and eco business centre is now closer, with the school due to start on site in March 2015 and steps now being taken to formalise the delivery of the eco business centre.


A number of projects have been delivered in the town, particularly focussing on energy efficiency and sustainable travel. These have delivered demonstration projects as sought by DCLG and delivered against the aims of the One Shared Vision for the town.


Over £30m worth of grant funding has been attracted to Bicester, including the DCLG eco town funding. This has been instrumental in the range of projects that it has been possible to deliver in the town. This approach of seeking external funding is continuing with further work being done to enable projects to continue to be delivered in the town.


Grant funding is a small proportion of the overall investment that has taken place in the town. A study by Montague Evans estimated that over £184m of private sector funding has been invested in the town since 2009 in the construction of housing and commercial premises. Furthermore the report concluded in terms of future development as part of the growth of Bicester, the estimated value of the housing sites identified in Bicester is £950 million which is expected to be supported by approximately £700 million of infrastructure investment.


Never the less as the town grows the DCLG eco town funding remains an important source of funding for the delivery of projects in the town. Importantly the funding is enabling a project team to be employed and this is instrumental particularly in the attraction of additional funding and delivery of projects in the town. To maximise the benefits from the grant the ability to recycle funding over time to provide for further investment in the town is sought where feasible.


Future funding will largely rely on the receipt of developer funding to repay the investment in the primary school or income from the eco business centre. Limited funding remains for sustainable travel initiatives and energy efficiency projects is also ring fenced. Other sources of funding are actively being sought including grants from other sources and projects that can be delivered in partnership. This is necessary to be able to continue to deliver projects to meet the outcomes of the One Shared Vision.


The appointment of the Commercial Director (Bicester) has increased the Council’s capacity for delivering the planned growth and associated benefits in Bicester along with the required infrastructure. The change of delegation of the eco town funding to the Commercial Director (Bicester) in consultation with the Leader of the Council is recommended to ensure that funding continues to be appropriately targeted.


Alternative Options


Option 1: to leave the delegation with the Chief Executive or not to delegate responsibility for spending eco town funding.


With a Director for Bicester now appointed it is logical that delegation now reflects the revised structure. Much funding is day to day and with no delegation the Council would have less flexibility in the timing of decisions with regard to funding.


Option 2: To commit to future spend of recycled funding


The timing of the receipt of recycled funding is uncertain and over time priorities and pressures can change. It therefore is difficult to commit to funding specific projects at the current time. Some flexibility is therefore sought to review priorities as funding becomes available.


Supporting documents: