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Joint Scrutiny Committee

This page lists the meetings for Joint Scrutiny Committee.


Information about Joint Scrutiny Committee

Membership of the Joint Scrutiny Committee is 5 members from each of the councils, currently this is 5 from Cherwell District Council and 5 from South Northamptonshire Council and would be reviewed if another council was admitted to the shared working programme and confederation company  (if established). Political balance will apply to the appointment of members by each of the Councils. No member of the Executive (CDC) or Cabinet (SNC) shall be a member of the committee.


The quorum for the committee is four voting members of which at least two must be from Cherwell District Council and two from South Northamptonshire Council.



    To receive and scrutinise reports from the Joint Commissioning Officer Group detailing the performance against targets that are included within the Contract and Commissioning Plan and otherwise relating to the services provided through shared services (including via the confederation company and its delivery units, if established), any other major shared  contracts, (if entered into), and to be able to challenge internal and external providers and hold members of the shared management team publicly to account.

    To receive and scrutinise reports from the Joint Commissioning Officer Group detailing the financial performance of shared services (including those provided via the confederation company and its delivery units if established) against savings targets detailed in the respective Councils’ Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategies.

    To receive and scrutinise change requests and contract variations agreed or proposed between the Joint Commissioning Committee or officers acting under delegated authority and service providers (including the confederation company and its delivery units if established) to include (but not be limited to) the introduction of new key performance indicators, delivery of new commissions via the external delivery units, changes required due to new legislation and commercial development opportunities.

    To engage with partner organisations, other relevant public sector bodies, private sector organisations, trade unions, local residents or any other appropriate witnesses when fulfilling the overview and scrutiny role in relation to the monitoring of contracts for services provided by service providers (including the confederation company and its delivery units if established) .

    To scrutinise decisions of and services reporting to the Joint Commissioning Committee including the commissioning officers

    To apply the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules, including call-in arrangements, when prepared and adopted by the councils.

    To hear any call-in requests with regard to any executive decisions made by the Joint Commissioning Committee.