Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Monday 3 August 2009 6.30 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA. View directions

Contact: James Doble, Legal and Democratic Services  Email: (01295) 221587


Note No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.



Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no petitions and requests to address the meeting.



Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.

Additional documents:


There was no urgent business.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2009.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2009 were agreed and signed by the Chairman, including the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2009 which were tabled.


6.35 pm


Planning for Swine Flu Pandemic pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Report of Head Of Legal And Democratic Services, Head Of Human Resources And Head Of Safer Communities & Community Development




To inform the Executive of the current situation and seek approval for proposed actions in the event of significant levels of illness.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                    Note that the government may consider extending self certification from 7 days to 14 days and that a signed medical certificate will not be required.


2)                    Utilise the ICT contingency reserve to fund expenditure of £15 000 to upgrade the IT infrastructure and ensure that home working is available to all who need it.


3)                    Agree to provide mutual aid and assistance to the PCT as requested which will include making available the locations noted in the report as antiviral distribution centres and redeploying staff if requested provided those staff have the same level of protection as NHS staff. To agree that mutual aid be made available to neighbouring local authorities subject to local circumstances and availability.


4)                    Agree that the trigger for activating the Council’s Pandemic Flu Plan will be when the first case is reported in a current employee.


5)                    Agree that if necessary all Executive powers be delegated to an urgency committee made up of any three of the Executive which shall include the Leader or Deputy Leader of Council if possible.


6)                    Recommend to Council that in the event of an ongoing emergency an Emergency General Purpose Committee be constituted to make any decisions the Council is able to make which are not part of the Executive functions or reserved in legislation to full Council. The composition of the Emergency General Purpose Committee would be the Leader of Council with any member of the Executive as substitute, the Deputy Leader with any member of the majority group as substitute and the Leader of the opposition, with any member of the opposition group as substitute.





Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed, subject to the amendment to recommendation 3: after second sentence insert ‘provided neither compromise our ability to provide essential services’.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Head of Human Resources and Head of Safer Communities & Community Development, submitted a report o inform the Executive of the current situation and seek approval for proposed actions in the event of significant levels of illness.




1)                       That it be noted that the government may consider extending self certification from 7 days to 14 days and that a signed medical certificate would not be required.


2)                       That the ICT contingency reserve be utilised to fund expenditure of £15 000 to upgrade the IT infrastructure and ensure that home working is available to all who need it.


3)                       That agreement be given to providing mutual aid and assistance to the PCT as requested which would include making available the locations noted in the report as antiviral distribution centres and redeploying staff if requested provided those staff have the same level of protection as NHS staff. That mutual aid be made available to neighbouring local authorities subject to local circumstances and availability, provided that neither compromise our ability to provide essential services.


4)                       That the trigger for activating the Council’s Pandemic Flu Plan would be when the first case is reported in a current employee. That the Cherwell District Council Decision Making contingency Plan as set out in Annex 1 to the minutes (as set out in the minute book) be agreed.


5)                       That if necessary all Executive powers be delegated to an urgency committee made up of any three of the Executive which shall include the Leader or Deputy Leader of Council if possible.


6)                       That Council be recommend in the event of an ongoing emergency to establish an Emergency General Purpose Committee to make any decisions the Council is able to make which are not part of the Executive functions or reserved in legislation to full Council. The composition of the Emergency General Purpose Committee would be the Leader of Council with any member of the Executive as substitute, the Deputy Leader with any member of the majority group as substitute and the Leader of the opposition, with any member of the opposition group as substitute.


Reasons - Council officers attended an emergency planning exercise at Newport Pagnell on 13th July to test the Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum’s pandemic flu plan. All the district council representatives agreed we are likely to have a limited role in the wider community with the exception of Communications who can play a key part in issuing advice. It was also recognised that environmental health staff might be called upon to assist the PCT in “non?council” activities.




Option One

Invoke the pandemic flu plan as and when the Corporate Management Team agree it is appropriate.

Option Two

Invoke the pandemic flu plan at the agreed trigger point of

the first reported case amongst current employees.

Option Three

Do not invoke the pandemic flu plan.


6.45 pm


Planning for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show People in the South East pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Report of the Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy and the Head of Housing Services




To consider the Council’s response to the next stage of regional consultation on the number and distribution of ‘pitches’ and ‘plots’ for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                    Raise no objection to the South East England Partnership Board’s recommendations to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government;


2)                    Endorse this report as the Council’s formal response to the Secretary of State;


3)                    Note the need for partnership working and key stakeholder involvement in preparing planning and housing policy for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople and in identifying suitable sites and appropriate means of site delivery.



Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed


The Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy and the Head of Housing Services submitted a report to consider the Council’s response to the next stage of regional consultation on the number and distribution of ‘pitches’ and ‘plots’ for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople.




1)                       That no objections be raised to the South East England Partnership Board’s recommendations to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government;


2)                       That the report as set out in the annex to the minutes (as set out in the minute book) be endorsed as the Council’s formal response to the Secretary of State;


3)                       That the need for partnership working and key stakeholder involvement in preparing planning and housing policy for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople and in identifying suitable sites and appropriate means of site delivery be noted.


Reasons - The South East Plan is being partially reviewed to establish regional policy for meeting the accommodation needs of Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople.  On 4 March 2009 the former South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA) agreed its recommendations for the level and distribution of additional ‘pitches’ for Gypsies and Travellers and ‘plots’ for Travelling Showpeople across the region.




Option One

To raise no objection to the South East England Partnership Board’s recommendations to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government

Option Two

To raise objection

Option Three

To raise no objection subject to comments


6.55 pm


Food Waste Recycling Service pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Report of Head of Environmental Services




To approve the policies and the delivery strategy of the food waste recycling service.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                    Approve the policies set out for the food waste recycling scheme using the existing brown bin


2)                    Note the changes in rollout strategy due to delays in the provision of the outlet


3)                    Note the proposed rollout programme of food waste recycling from October 2009 



Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed


The Head of Environmental Services submitted a report to approve the policies and the delivery strategy of the food waste recycling service.




That the policies set out for the food waste recycling scheme using the existing brown bin asset out in the annex to the minutes (as set out in the minute book) be approved.


That the changes in rollout strategy due to delays in the provision of the outlet be noted.


That the proposed rollout programme of food waste recycling from October 2009 be noted.


Reasons – The rollout of food waste recycling collections from October 2009 will raise the recycling rate to beyond 51% in 2009/10 & substantially beyond 55% in 2010/11.




Option One

To start rolling out across the district food waste recycling collections from October 2009

Option Two

To roll out food waste recycling collections over a longer timescale


7.15 pm


Rural Affordable Housing and Improvement Plan Update pdf icon PDF 101 KB

Report of Head of Housing Services




To advise Executive of the outcomes of the additional recommendations that Executive agreed as part of the initial consideration of an Improvement Plan to deal with the bringing forward of rural affordable housing on Rural Exception Sites.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)            Note the outcomes of actions arising from each of the three additional resolutions made at the Executive meeting of 11 May 2009 following its consideration of the Rural Affordable Housing and Exception Sites


2)            Endorse a revised Rural Affordable Housing Improvement Plan that incorporates the research and activities undertaken following the additional actions agreed at the Executive meeting of May 2009.

Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed


Additional action Portfolio Holder to report progress to Leader of Council every 3 months.


The Head of Housing Services submitted a report to advise the Executive of the outcomes of the additional recommendations that Executive agreed as part of the initial consideration of an Improvement Plan to deal with the bringing forward of rural affordable housing on Rural Exception Sites.


Additionally, the Leader of the Council requested that the Portfolio Holder report progress to him every 3 months.




1)            That the outcomes of actions arising from each of the three additional resolutions made at the Executive meeting of 11 May 2009 following its consideration of the Rural Affordable Housing and Exception Sites be noted.


2)            That a revised Rural Affordable Housing Improvement Plan that incorporates the research and activities undertaken following the additional actions agreed at the Executive meeting of May 2009 be endorsed.


Reasons - This decision develops the issues raised in the Executive report of 11 May 2009 covering rural affordable housing.  The matter was subject to a full review by Overview and Scrutiny Committee following initial consideration by the Cherwell Parish Liaison meeting in November 2008.  At the subsequent Parish Liaison meeting in June 2009, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing reported back with the outcome of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as agreed by Executive.  The report received strong support from the Parish Liaison meeting, although the issues of effective communication and increased delivery were reaffirmed as instrumental to the successful implementation of the Improvement Plan.




Option One


Endorse the revised action plan in Appendix A with increased attention to the items highlighted by Executive. 


Option Two


The Council should work towards a more fundamental change in its rural housing partnership arrangements and implementation would be in 2011/12.


7.30 pm


Place Survey 2009 Results pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of Chief Executive and Community and Corporate Planning Manager




This report presents the results of the Place Survey. It includes some general analysis of the 18 national performance indicators and satisfaction measures that are collected through the Place Survey and reported on by Cherwell District Council. 




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                    Note the results of the 18 national indicators as measured by the Place Survey.


2)                    Note the results of the 4 national indicators that are included within the Oxfordshire Local Area Agreement.


3)                    Request relevant officers take appropriate steps to address areas for development or improvement as identified.


Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed


The Chief Executive and Community and Corporate Planning Manager submitted a report to present the results of the Place Survey. It includes some general analysis of the 18 national performance indicators and satisfaction measures that are collected through the Place Survey and reported on by Cherwell District Council. 




1)                       That the results of the 18 national indicators as measured by the Place Survey be noted.


2)                       That the results of the 4 national indicators that are included within the Oxfordshire Local Area Agreement be noted.


3)                       That the relevant officers be requested to take appropriate steps to address areas for development or improvement as identified.


Reasons – The Place Survey is required by the Department of Communities and Local Government as part of the performance framework for local authorities. We are required to undertake a survey every two years and the results inform 18 of the national set of performance indicators (NIs) that make up the Comprehensive Area Assessment.


7.45 pm


Performance Management Framework Quarter 1 Report pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Report of the Chief Executive and Head of Improvement




This report covers the Council’s performance for the period April to June 2009 as measured through the Performance Management Framework




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                    Confirm that the responses in paragraph 2.1 to the issues raised in the 2008/09 Annual Performance Report are satisfactory or to request any further information or action.


2)                    Note the many achievements referred to in paragraph 1.3.


3)                    Agree officers’ report in the second quarter report performance report on the items shown in paragraph 1.4 where performance did not meet the required target or there are issues of concern.  


Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed


Additional action: Councillors Wood, Macnamara and Morris to be provided with a monthly high level variance analysis of car parking income.


The Chief Executive and Head of Improvement submitted a report that covered the Council’s performance for the period April to June 2009 as measured through the Performance Management Framework


The Leader of the Council requested that Councillors Wood, Macnamara and Morris be provided with a monthly high level variance analysis of car parking income.




1)              That the responses below to the issues raised in the 2008/09 Annual Performance Report be confirmed as satisfactory:



Cherwell: A District of Opportunity

a.   The ongoing impact of the economic recession on meeting targets for the provision of new homes and jobs, the rising demands on services such as Housing Benefits and Economic Development and the reduced income for Building Control, Development Control, and Land Charges.


New Homes.  The first quarter of 2009/10 saw 215 (net) new dwellings provided of which 10 were change of use or conversions.  This is against a target of 376 for the whole year.  The completion of the 86 assisted living and frail elderly sheltered apartments on the former Spirit motors site on the Southam Road in Banbury was a significant contributor to this.


Jobs.  The target for new jobs created will be met, but will be exceeded by the number lost.  Unemployment is rising, but remains below the regional average.  The Council’s efforts are concentrated on helping individuals through job clubs and businesses through the enterprise service rather than encouraging inward investment where very few enquiries are being received.


Income.  Building Control.  As a result of the predicted downturn in development activity the 2009/10 income budget of £391,000 was set 16% lower than the 2008/09 budget of £465,000.  The income to date this year is £110,000 against a profiled budget of £98,000, representing a surplus of 12% to date.  Development Control income was £14,000 below forecast for the 1st Quarter.  The income target for Land Charges in 2009/10 realistically reflects the current economic situation and so far is on target.


b.   The progress of major regeneration and development schemes:


Banbury Canalside.  The Council has retained consultants to prepare a draft supplementary planning document for public consultation in the autumn.  Work is proceeding on this, supported by the Homes and Communities Agency. 

BicesterTown Centre.  Since acquiring the development company, Sainsbury’s have reviewed the proposed scheme with a view to improving its financial viability.  It is anticipated that the board of Sainsbury’s will be invited to confirm their support for some amendments to the scheme in July, following which work on an amended planning application will commence.

South West Bicester.  Work continues with regard to the applicants request to review the planning obligation requirements for the site.  This is being jointly undertaken with the County Council.


c.   Delays producing the Local Development Framework due to the pressure of work and strategic uncertainties resulting from the eco-town proposal.


There have been delays progressing the Core Strategy within the Local Development Framework for two reasons.  Firstly, there has been some delay in completing the numerous pieces of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.

8.00 pm


2009/10 Projected Revenue & Capital Out turn at 30 June 2009 and 2008/09 Treasury Management Annual Report pdf icon PDF 78 KB

** Appendix 1 to follow **


Report of Head of Finance




This report summarises the Council’s Revenue and Capital performance for the first 3 months of the financial year 09/10 and projections for the full 09/10 period. These are measured by the budget monitoring function and reported via the Performance Management Framework (PMF) informing the 09/10 budget process currently underway.


To receive information on treasury management performance and compliance with treasury management policy during 2008/9 as required by the Treasury Management Code of Practice. This report also reviews the treasury performance in Q1 2009/10.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                    Note the projected revenue & capital position at June 2009.


2)                    Note the performance against the 2008/09 investment strategy and the financial returns from each of the 3 funds detailed in Appendix 1 and 2.


3)                    Note the Q1 performance against 2009/10 investment strategy.



Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed


The Head of Finance submitted a report summarising the Council’s Revenue and Capital performance for the first 3 months of the financial year 09/10 and projections for the full 09/10 period. These are measured by the budget monitoring function and reported via the Performance Management Framework (PMF) informing the 09/10 budget process currently underway.




1)              That the projected revenue & capital position at June 2009 be noted


2)              That the performance against the 2008/09 investment strategy and the financial returns from each of the 3 funds be noted.


3)              That the Q1 performance against 2009/10 investment strategy be noted.


Reasons - To receive information on treasury management performance and compliance with treasury management policy during 2008/9 as required by the Treasury Management Code of Practice. This report also reviews the treasury performance in Q1 2009/10.




Option One

To review current performance levels and consider any actions arising.


Option Two

To approve or reject the recommendations above or request that Officers provide additional information.


8.15 pm


Request for Funding for Temporary Accommodation from CDC Capital Receipts pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Report of Head of Housing




This report is to seek approval for a number of schemes using the capital receipts ring fenced for social housing (Homelessness Initiatives) and in line with Cherwell’s Temporary Accommodation Strategy 2008-2011




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                    Approve a Supplementary Capital Estimate for the schemes detailed below, to be funded from earmarked Capital Receipts set-up from the sale of Temporary Accommodation premises.


·     Capital funding for 365, Warwick Road, Banbury - £74,000

·        An Acquisitions Scheme for temporary accommodation - £430,000 (maximum budget)

·        An Acquisitions Scheme for move on accommodation for young people with high support needs –cost based on tender quotations




Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed


The Head of Housing submitted a report to seek approval for a number of schemes using the capital receipts ring fenced for social housing (Homelessness Initiatives) and in line with Cherwell’s Temporary Accommodation Strategy 2008-2011




1)                       That a Supplementary Capital Estimate be approved for the schemes detailed below, to be funded from earmarked Capital Receipts set-up from the sale of Temporary Accommodation premises.


·     Capital funding for 365 Warwick Road, Banbury - £74,000

·        An Acquisitions Scheme for temporary accommodation - £430,000 (maximum budget)

·        An Acquisitions Scheme for move on accommodation for young people with high support needs –cost based on tender quotations


Reasons – The Temporary Accommodation Strategy will allow the Council and its Partners to focus resources and achieve continuous improvement in performance. The aim of the Strategy is to ensure that greater efficiencies are achieved through better procurement of temporary accommodation provision.  To achieve the Council’s objectives requires the appropriate level of Revenue and Capital Budgets. Any significant financial effects over and above that already incorporated into the Capital & Revenue Budgets will be the subject of further reports. It should be noted that there is £1.8m of Reserves (from the sale of Cotefield House and other homelessness accommodation) earmarked for Temporary Accommodation.




Option One

To fund the schemes outlined above in order to deliver the temporary accommodation


Option Two

Not to fund the schemes outlined above in which case consideration will need to be given to how temporary accommodation is to be procured in future in line with the temporary accommodation strategy.