Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Monday 6 July 2009 6.30 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA. View directions

Contact: James Doble, Legal and Democratic Services  Email: (01295) 221587


Note No. Item

7.20 pm


Investment Strategy pdf icon PDF 28 KB

Report of Strategic Director Customer Service and Resources




This report sets out the revised investment Strategy for treasury operations for 2009/10 and replaces the strategy approved by the Executive on 2nd March 2009

As with the originally approved documents the attached fulfil the Council’s requirement under the Local Government Act 2003 and guidance subsequently issued by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (now CLG) in March 2004, to prepare an annual investment strategy.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)         Recommend to Council approval of the revised Investment Strategy 2009/2010.


Additional documents:


Agreed, with the amendment that the split between specified and non-specified investments should be 50/50.


The Strategic Director Customer Service and Resources submitted a report setting out the revised Investment Strategy for treasury operations for 2009/10, replacing the strategy approved by the Executive on 2 March 2009.




That the revised Investment Strategy 2009/2010, with the amendment that the split between specified and non-specified investments should be 50/50 be recommended to Council for approval.


Reasons - The strategy fulfils the Council’s requirement under the Local Government Act 2003 and guidance subsequently issued by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (now CLG) in March 2004, to prepare an annual investment strategy.




Option One

Do nothing. Whilst the current strategy continues to comply fully with the regulatory framework the recommended changes reflect the Council’s consideration of the most recent external developments and newly published guidelines in keeping with our commitment to best practice.


Option Two

Impose immediate changes to the Council’s investment portfolio. The Council’s current investment portfolio is sound and the parameters governing those investments appropriate and robust. There is no need to exit current arrangements. To do so could incur unnecessary financial penalties.


Option Three

Continue to incorporate best practice, accommodating newly published external guidance via a smooth transitional process re-profiling investments over time. 



Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillors declared interests in the following agenda items:


8. Update on the Government's Ecotown Programme.

Councillor Barry Wood, Personal, as persons known to him have a land interest in land in the area of, but outside the eco zone.


Councillor G A Reynolds, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Kieron Mallon, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Michael Gibbard, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Norman Bolster, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


10. Integrated Vehicle Parking Strategy: Taxi Ranks.

Councillor Nigel Morris, Personal, as a private hire badge holder.


11. Concessionary Fares - A Task & Finish Group Scrutiny Review.

Councillor G A Reynolds, Prejudicial, as a user of the concessionary fares sheme in receipt of tokens.


11. Concessionary Fares - A Task & Finish Group Scrutiny Review.

Councillor Ken Atack, Personal, as a user of the concessionary fares scheme.


11. Concessionary Fares - A Task & Finish Group Scrutiny Review.

Councillor Nigel Morris, Personal, as a bus pass holder.


13. Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan 2008-2013.

Councillor G A Reynolds, Personal, as a member of the Board of Area of Outstanding Natural beauty.



Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no petitions or requests to address the meeting.



Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.

Additional documents:


There was no urgent business.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 June 2009.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 June 2009 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


6.35 pm


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Report of Leader of the Council




To review the Leader’s Forward Plan of the key decisions which will be taken by the Executive over the next four months.




The Executive is recommended:


1)         To resolve to note the Leader’s Forward Plan for the next four months.

Additional documents:




The Leader of the Council submitted the Forward Plan of key decisions to be taken over the next four months.




That the Forward Plan for the next four months be noted.


Reasons – to create a Forward Plan for the Council as required by the local Government Act 2000.




Option One

To adopt the recommendation. The Council must by law publish a Forward Plan.  The only options concern its contents.


Option Two

To propose amendments to the Forward Plan.



6.40 pm


Cherwell Sustainable Community Strategy pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Report of Chief Executive and Community and Corporate Planning Manager




To agree a consultation draft of the Cherwell Sustainable Community Strategy.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)         Agree a draft of the Cherwell Sustainable Community Strategy prior to three months of public consultation.


2)         Agree that any amendments on the draft arising from Cherwell Community Planning Partnership be agreed with the Portfolio Holder for Policy and Community Planning.





Additional documents:




The Chief Executive and Community and Corporate Planning Manager submitted a report to agree a consultation draft of the Cherwell Sustainable Community Strategy.




1)         That a draft of the Cherwell Sustainable Community Strategy be agreed prior to three months of public consultation.


2)         That any amendments on the draft arising from Cherwell Community Planning Partnership be agreed with the Portfolio Holder for Policy and Community Planning.

Reasons - The Cherwell Sustainable Community Strategy will be the top level guiding document for the Cherwell area.  It will influence future policies and plans and it will be used to influence future funding including Local Area Agreements.  It will be the key strategic document for Cherwell District Council and drive the content of the next Cherwell District Council Corporate Plan.




Option One

To agree the draft Cherwell Sustainable Community Strategy for public consultation as set out in Appendix 1.


Option Two

To make amendments to the draft Cherwell Sustainable Community Strategy set out in Appendix 1.


Option Three

To delegate a decision on the draft Cherwell Sustainable Community Strategy to the Portfolio Holder for Policy and Community Planning.



7.00 pm


Update on the Government's Ecotown Programme pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of Head of Planning and Affordable Housing




To update the Executive on the Government’s ecotown programme




That Executive note the report and consider any decision issues that arise (further information may be available by the time of the meeting).


Additional documents:


That officers be instructed to prepare and report back on full proposals for:

1. A small, single purpose, local authority committee charged by relevant Councils with all decision making on implementation issues for a defined development area.  This to include options for a formal joint committee including the County Council as highway authority / service provider and the Town Council as service provider.  The committee should hold appropriate delegated powers from all the councils involved.  The committee should be led and chaired by Cherwell.

2. A dedicated, multi-disciplinary, officer team / network to provide project management, administrative and technical / regulatory support to the Committee.

3. Direct involvement of the Government in the Committee preferably through co opted, non voting, membership of the Committee from the Homes and Communities Agency (the Government body expected to take responsibility for implementation of the eco towns programme following finalisation of the policy position) and other relevant Government bodies and agencies. 

4. Negotiation of appropriate resource contributions to the officer team / network from local partners and Government agencies.  This to include staff support and project funding.

5. Exploration of appropriate mechanisms, initially for liaison, and eventually for formal partnership, with the private sector on implementation of the development. 

6. A programme for early and strong public engagement between the Council (via the new Committee) and local stakeholders and the public on detailed plans for the new development and the relationship between the those plans and overall economic and community development of Bicester.



The Head of Planning and Affordable Housing submitted a report to update the Executive on the Government’s ecotown programme.



That officers be instructed to prepare and report back on full proposals for:

1)         A small, single purpose, local authority committee charged by relevant Councils with all decision making on implementation issues for a defined development area.  This to include options for a formal joint committee including the County Council as highway authority / service provider and the Town Council as service provider.  The committee should hold appropriate delegated powers from all the councils involved.  The committee should be led and chaired by Cherwell.

2)         A dedicated, multi-disciplinary, officer team / network to provide project management, administrative and technical / regulatory support to the committee.

3)         Direct involvement of the Government in the Committee preferably through co opted, non voting membership of the Committee from the Homes and Communities Agency (the Government body expected to take responsibility for implementation of the eco towns programme following finalisation of the policy position) and other relevant Government bodies and agencies. 

4)         Negotiation of appropriate resource contributions to the officer team / network from local partners and Government agencies.  This to include staff support and project funding.

5)         Exploration of appropriate mechanisms, initially for liaison, and eventually for formal partnership, with the private sector on implementation of the development. 

6)         A programme for early and strong public engagement between the Council (via the new committee) and local stakeholders and the public on detailed plans for the new development and the relationship between the plans and the overall economic and community development of Bicester.

Reasons - A Government decision is expected in mid July.  There has been a clear statement from the Department of Communities and Local Government (CLG) that there will only be one eco town location for Cherwell.  It is hoped that the Council’s hard work in promoting an alternative to Weston Otmoor will be reflected in the selection of NW Bicester as an eco town location listed in the PPS.  With the decision imminent it is important to be able to move quickly in response. 

7.40 pm


Integrated Vehicle Parking Strategy: Taxi Ranks pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of Head of Urban and Rural Services




To advise Members on progress with the initial options appraisal for additional rank space for Hackney Carriage Vehicles in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                 Note the review and options appraisal.

2)                 Approve further detailed design/investigation into additional rank space on the preferred options of:

·        Banbury: Bridge Street

·        Banbury: Horsefair

·        Banbury: North Bar

·        Bicester: Bell Lane

·        Kidlington: Oxford Road

 3)    Delegate responsibility to the Head of Urban and Rural Services in consultation     with the Leader of the Council to:

·        Seek agreement with Oxfordshire County Council on funding and implementation of the final scheme’s

·        Undertake formal consultation on the selected options, and

·        Secure any approvals from Department for Transport


Additional documents:




The Head of Urban and Rural Services submitted a report to advise Members on progress with the initial options appraisal for additional rank space for Hackney Carriage Vehicles in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington.




1)                 That the review and options appraisal be noted.

2)                 That further detailed design/investigation into additional rank space be approved on the preferred options of:

·        Banbury: Bridge Street

·        Banbury: Horsefair

·        Banbury: North Bar

·        Bicester: Bell Lane

·        Kidlington: Oxford Road

 3)    That the Head of Urban and Rural Services be delegated in consultation with the Leader of the Council to:

·        Seek agreement with Oxfordshire County Council on funding and implementation of the final schemes

·        Undertake formal consultation on the selected options, and

·        Secure any approvals from the Department for Transport


Reasons - The Executive received a report at its 2 March 2009 meeting and resolved that options for additional taxi rank spaces should be investigated further.





The Council can:

  • Progress with all options or
  • Progress some of the options or
  • Retain the current provision with no increase



7.55 pm


Concessionary Fares - A Task & Finish Group Scrutiny Review pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee




To consider the overview and scrutiny Task & Finish Group report on Concessionary Fares.


Cllr Clarke, Chairman of the Task & Finish Group, will attend the meeting to present the report.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)         Note the work of the Task and Finish Group scrutiny review into Concessionary Fares as detailed in Appendix 1;


2)         Agree the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations regarding concessionary regarding concessionary travel as detailed below:


Recommendation 1: Smart Card Reader Scheme

That Cherwell District Council should not pursue the introduction of a Smart Card Reader scheme at this time due to the significant financial investment required and reservations about the current technical capacity of such schemes to meet the Council’s needs. 


Recommendation 2: Mis-ticketing

That the Portfolio Holder should publicise the importance of checking bus tickets and encourage bus pass holders to submit examples of mis-ticketing.  The Portfolio Holder should follow-up examples of mis-ticketing with the bus companies; monitor the scale and value of the problem for the remainder of the financial year; and report on the results and proposed actions to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the spring of 2010.


Recommendation 3: Management Information

That the Portfolio Holder should encourage the concessionary fare service providers to move to a monthly rather than quarterly claim and settlement cycle.


Recommendation 4: National Travel Tokens

That the current arrangements for the issue of national travel tokens should continue for 2009/10 and that the Portfolio Holder should monitor the take up and use of the national travel token scheme.  The Council’s continued participation in the national travel token scheme should be reviewed against the findings of the independent research into the provision of community transport schemes in the district (see recommendation 5).  


Recommendation 5: Community Transport

That Cherwell District Council should continue to support and promote the provision of community transport schemes across the District.  In support of this corporate priority the Portfolio Holder should commission research into the feasibility of introducing alternative community transport schemes in those parts of the district where residents do not benefit from the concessionary bus pass, national travel tokens or the Dial-A-Ride service.


Recommendation 6: Consortium approach

That the Portfolio Holder should open discussions with colleagues at the County Council and the District/City councils with a view to promoting a co-ordinated approach to the delivery of the national concessionary travel scheme, subject to the outcome of the government’s consultation on the administration of concessionary fares schemes.


Recommendation 7: Government Consultation

That the Portfolio Holder should be invited to use the work of this Task & Finish Group and the conclusions and recommendations in this report to inform the Council’s response to the government’s consultation on the administration of concessionary fares schemes.


Recommendation 8: Concessionary Travel Scheme

That the start time for the concessionary travel scheme in Cherwell should not be reviewed again and should remain at 09.30 am, in line with the statutory scheme, until April 2011 when  ...  view the full agenda text for item 19.

Additional documents:


Agreed, with the amendment that following further discussion between Oxfordshire local authorities that the response from this authority to the Government should state that the concessionary travel scheme be operated nationally by the Government (who would deal with the cost of the scheme and reimbursements), but administered locally by District Councils (who would deal with local residents).


Additionally portfolio holder requested to investigate adverts on buses raising the issue of mi-ticketing and the cost per use of the dial-a-ride service.



The Overview and Scrutiny Committee submitted a report to consider the overview and scrutiny Task & Finish Group report on Concessionary Fares. Cllr Clarke, Chairman of the Task & Finish Group presented the key findings.




1)         That the work of the Task and Finish Group scrutiny review into Concessionary Fares as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report be noted;


2)         That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations regarding concessionary travel as detailed below be approved:


Recommendation 1: Smart Card Reader Scheme

That Cherwell District Council should not pursue the introduction of a Smart Card Reader scheme at this time due to the significant financial investment required and reservations about the current technical capacity of such schemes to meet the Council’s needs. 


Recommendation 2: Mis-ticketing

That the Portfolio Holder should publicise the importance of checking bus tickets and encourage bus pass holders to submit examples of mis-ticketing.  The Portfolio Holder should follow-up examples of mis-ticketing with the bus companies; monitor the scale and value of the problem for the remainder of the financial year; and report on the results and proposed actions to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the spring of 2010.


Recommendation 3: Management Information

That the Portfolio Holder should encourage the concessionary fare service providers to move to a monthly rather than quarterly claim and settlement cycle.


Recommendation 4: National Travel Tokens

That the current arrangements for the issue of national travel tokens should continue for 2009/10 and that the Portfolio Holder should monitor the take up and use of the national travel token scheme.  The Council’s continued participation in the national travel token scheme should be reviewed against the findings of the independent research into the provision of community transport schemes in the district (see recommendation 5).  


Recommendation 5: Community Transport

That Cherwell District Council should continue to support and promote the provision of community transport schemes across the District.  In support of this corporate priority the Portfolio Holder should commission research into the feasibility of introducing alternative community transport schemes in those parts of the district where residents do not benefit from the concessionary bus pass, national travel tokens or the Dial-A-Ride service.


Recommendation 6: Consortium approach

That the Portfolio Holder should open discussions with colleagues at the County Council and the District/City councils with a view to promoting a co-ordinated approach to the delivery of the national concessionary travel scheme, subject to the outcome of the government’s consultation on the administration of concessionary fares schemes.


Recommendation 7: Government Consultation

That the Portfolio Holder should be invited to use the work of this Task & Finish Group and the conclusions and recommendations in this report to inform the Council’s response to the government’s consultation on the administration of concessionary fares schemes.


Recommendation 8: Concessionary Travel Scheme

That the start time for the concessionary travel scheme in Cherwell should not be reviewed again and should remain at 09.30 am, in line with the statutory scheme, until April 2011 when the new arrangements for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.

8.10 pm


Definition of Waste and Collection from Schools and Charities pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of Head of Environmental Services




To agree the approach and the charges for collecting chargeable household waste from charities and schools




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                 Approve the approach to dealing with chargeable household waste


2)                 Agree the proposed fees for the collection of waste from schools and charities


3)                 Work with other authorities in Oxfordshire through the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership to ensure a consistent approach to the different waste categories to minimise any additional cost to the taxpayer





Additional documents:




The Head of Environmental Services submitted a report to agree the approach and the charges for collecting chargeable household waste from charities and schools




1)                 That the approach to dealing with chargeable household waste as set out in annex to these minutes (as set out in the minute book) be agreed.


2)                 That the proposed fees for the collection of waste from schools and charities be agreed


3)                 That the Council work with other authorities in Oxfordshire through the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership to ensure a consistent approach to the different waste categories to minimise any additional cost to the taxpayer


Reasons - The Council has been collecting household waste from all domestic properties. In addition to domestic properties, places of religious worship and village halls have been largely treated in a similar manner to domestic properties. Introducing chargeable household waste collections could present issues regarding administration and the charging mechanism. However it is proposed that for charity shops the existing pre-paid commercial refuse & recycling sacks (orange – for refuse, blue for recycling) are offered with the disposal and treatment charges removed. This is the easiest way of administering charges to small charities. For larger charities and schools to encourage these institutions to recycle as much of their waste as possible it is proposed that they are treated as households receiving an alternate week collection service only. Consequently each school or charity would be issued with containers that have at least 50% capacity for recycling. The proposed charges are annual charges. The larger the residual waste bin required then the greater the charges made. Brown bins will be made available once food waste collections commence across the district.




Option One

Collect waste from schools and charities but make no charge. This will increase Cherwell’s Waste Collection costs

Option Two

Implement a chargeable Household Waste scheme to schools and charities which covers all the costs of the Waste Collection service and ensures the service complies with Defra’s interpretation of The Controlled Waste Regulations




8.20 pm


Cotswold Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan 2008-2013 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of Head of Planning and Affordable Housing




To consider whether to endorse the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan as supplementary guidance.  




The Executive is recommended to


1)         Endorse the Cotswolds AONB Management Plan as supplementary guidance as allowed by the provisions of paragraph 6.3 of Planning Policy Statement PPS12.




Additional documents:




The Head of Planning and Affordable Housing submitted a report to consider whether to endorse the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan as supplementary guidance.     




1)         That the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan as supplementary guidance as allowed by the provisions of paragraph 6.3 of Planning Policy Statement PPS12 be endorsed.


Reasons - the Cotswolds Conservation Board has requested the Council to endorse the Cotswolds AONB Management Plan as supplementary guidance under the provisions of Section 6.3 of PPS12.




Option One

To endorse the Cotswolds AONB Management Plan as supplementary guidance


Option Two

To not endorse the Cotswolds AONB Management as supplementary guidance




Exclusion of the Press and Public

The following reports contain exempt information as defined in the following paragraph of Part 1, Schedule 12A of Local Government Act 1972.


3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


Members are reminded that whilst the following items have been marked as exempt, it is for the meeting to decide whether or not to consider each of them in private or in public. In making the decision, members should balance the interests of individuals or the Council itself in having access to the information. In considering their discretion members should also be mindful of the advice of Council Officers.


Should Members decide not to make a decision in public, they are recommended to pass the following recommendation:


“That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded form the meeting for the following item(s) of business, on the grounds that they could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.”


Additional documents:




That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business, on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 of Schedule 12A of that Act.


8.25 pm


Banbury Market Future Management


Recommendations as set out in the exempt report agreed with the amendment to recommendation 5 that the proposal set out in recommendation 5 be taken forward for future decision.


The Head of Urban and Rural Services submitted a report setting out the options appraisal for the future operation and management of Banbury Market




That the recommendations as set out in the exempt report be agreed , with the amendment to Recommendation 5 that the proposal set out in Recommendation 5 be taken forward for a future decision.


Reasons – An appraisal has been undertaken on options identified by the Executive at its 16 March 2009 meeting.