Agenda and minutes

Council - Monday 19 April 2010 6.30 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA. View directions

Contact: James Doble, Legal and Democratic Services  Email:, (01295) 221587


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.

Additional documents:


Members declared the following general declarations:


Councillor Alyas Ahmed, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Ann Bonner, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor G A Reynolds, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Keith Strangwood, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Kieron Mallon, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Lawrie Stratford, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Maurice Billington, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Michael Gibbard, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Mrs Catherine Fulljames, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Nicholas Turner, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Norman Bolster, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Timothy Hallchurch MBE, Personal, as a County Councillor due to the County Council having a land interest at Gowell's Farm.


Councillor Barry Wood, Personal, as persons known to him have an interest in land in the area of, but outside the eco zone.



To receive communications from the Chairman and/or the Leader of the Council.


Additional documents:


Former District Councillors Elsie Milne and John Harper

The Chairman noted the sad passing of former District Councillors Elsie Milne and John Harper. Mrs Milne served as a Cherwell Councillor from 1998 – 2006. Mr Harper served as a Cherwell Councillor from 2000–2008 and as Chairman from 2006 –2007. Members of the Council joined the Chairman in remembering Mrs Milne and Mr Harper’s service to the Council and the District by observing a one minute’s silence.


Councillor John Wyse

The Chairman noted that Councillor Wyse was not at the meeting as he was undergoing medical treatment. Members joined the Chairman in wishing him well.




(1)               That Councillor John Wysebe granted a six month attendance dispensation with effect from 28 July 2010.


Councillor Paul O’Sullivan

The Chairman reported that Councillor O’Sullivan had recently been involved in a car accident and was at home recovering. Members joined the Chairman in wishing him well.


Local Council Shadowing Programme

The Chairman presented certificates to Sarah Jordan and David Smith who had successfully completed the Local Councillor Shadowing Programme. The Chairman reported that Jessica Lake had also completed the Programme but was unable to attend the meeting due to a prior commitment. The Chairman also thanked Councillors Rose Stratford, Lawrie Stratford, Carol Steward, George Parish, Norman Bolster and Barry Wood who had taken part in the programme.


Chairman’s Dinner

The Chairman thanked members for the support they had given at her recent dinner and reported that just over £3,000 had been raised in aid of her chosen charities.



The Chairman of the Council supported by many Members paid tribute to Councillors Eric Heath and Devena Rae who were standing down at the forthcoming election. Councillor Eric Heath and Councillor Nick Cotter, on behalf of Councillor Devena Rae, thanked members for their kind words.


The Chairman thanked Councillors Alyas Ahmed, Norman Bolster, Colin Clarke, Margaret Cullip, Tony Ilott, James Macnamara, Kieron Mallon, Paul O’Sullivan, George Parish, George Reynolds, Douglas Webb, Douglas Williamson, and Barry Wood for their service to the Council and wished them well in the forthcoming election.



Councillor Fred Blackwell

The Chairman supported by the Leader of the Council paid tribute to Councillor Blackwell who was celebrating his 40th year of local government service in 2010. The Leader noted that Councillor Blackwell was a former Council Chairman and had made many valuable contributions to the Council, especially as Chairman of the Planning Committee.


Section 151 Officer

At the Chairman’s request, the Chief Executive reported that Cherwell District Council had finalised arrangements to share a Section 151 Officer with South Northamptonshire District Council. Martin Henry would be the Council’s Chief Finance Officer and designated Section 151 Officer until 28 February 2011.



Petitions and Requests to Address the Meeting

The Chairman to report on any requests to submit petitions or to address the meeting.

Additional documents:


There were no petitions or requests to address the meeting.


Urgent Business

The Chairman to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.


Additional documents:


There was no urgent business.


Thames Valley Police - Chief Constable Address

The Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, Sara Thornton and her supporting officers will be invited to address Council, following which Members will be able to ask questions.


Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Francis Habgood, the Deputy Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, Cherwell Commander Superintendent Howard Stone and Inspectors Neville Clayton (North Cherwell) and Martin Percival (South Cherwell) to the meeting.


Deputy Chief Constable Francis Habgood addressed the meeting regarding the strategy for policing in Thames Valley 2010-2011. A number of Members asked questions and answers were duly provided.


The Chairman thanked Deputy Chief Constable Francis Habgood, Cherwell Commander Superintendent Howard Stone, Inspector Neville Clayton and Inspector Martin Percival.



Minutes of Council pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of Council held on 22 February 2010.

Additional documents:


The minutes of Council held on 23 February 2009 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 568 KB

a)                       Minutes of the Executive, Portfolio Holder Decisions and Executive Decisions made under Special Urgency.


               The Leader of the Council to formally propose that the minutes of the meetings of the Executive and Portfolio Holder decisions as set out in the Minute Book (circulated separately) be received and to report that since the last meeting of Council, one urgent Key Decision has been taken by the Executive which was not included in the Forward Plan.


               The urgent Key Decision related to an update to the pay and grading structure. Details of the decision are set out in the Exempt minutes of the Executive meeting held on 1 March 2010.


b)                       Minutes of Committees


The Leader of the Council to formally propose that the minutes of committees as set out in the Minute Book (circulated separately) be received.

Additional documents:


a)                 Minutes of the Executive, Portfolio Holder Decisions and Executive Decisions made under Special Urgency




That the minutes of the meeting of the Executive and Portfolio Holder decisions as set out in the Minute Book be received and that it be noted that since the last meeting of Council, one Executive decision had been taken that was subject to the special urgency provisions of the Constitution.


b)                 Minutes of Committees




That the minutes of Committees as set out in the Minute Book be received.




a)         Written Questions


To receive any written questions and answers which have been submitted with advance notice in accordance with the constitution. A written response to the question will be circulated at the meeting.


After receiving the written response the member submitting the question will be entitled to ask a follow up or supplementary question.


b)         Questions to the Leader of the Council


The Chairman to invite questions to the Leader of the Council (including any matters arising from the minutes).


Following a response to their question being provided members will be entitled to a follow up or supplementary question.


c)         Questions to Committee Chairman on the minutes


The Chairman to invite questions to Chairmen of Committees on any matter arising from the minutes of their committee (if any).


Additional documents:


a)         Written Questions


Four questions relating to the cost of the Standards Committee in 2008-9 and 2009-10, the possibility of surcharging Parish Councils and repetitive complaints had been submitted by Councillor Reynolds and were tabled together with the reply from the Leader of the Council.


The Leader answered a supplementary question put by Councillor Reynolds.


b)        Questions to the Leader of the Council


Questions were asked and answers received on the following issues:


Bicester Community Hospital project: Councillor Sibley

North West Bicester Eco-town project: Councillor Cotter


c)         Questions to Committee Chairmen on the minutes


There were no questions to Committee Chairmen on the minutes.




To debate any motions which have been submitted with advance notice, in accordance with the constitution.


Additional documents:


There were no motions.


Constitution Update pdf icon PDF 61 KB

This report will be considered by Executive on 12 April 2010.


Report of Head of Legal and Democratic Services




To approve amendments and updates to the Council’s constitution




The Executive is recommended to ask Council to approve the following:


(1)               To approve the changes to the scheme of delegation detailed in this report and to delegate to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services the detailed reallocation of powers reflecting the recent review of the Extended Management Team and the retirement of the Head of Safer Communities and Community Development.

(2)               To approve the revised Proper Officer provisions (Appendix 1).

(3)               To approve the changes to the Contract Procedure Rules detailed in this report.

(4)               To approve the revised and updated Finance Procedure Rules (Appendix 2).

Additional documents:


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services submitted a report to Council which sought approval of amendments and updates to the Council’s constitution.




(1)               That the changes to the scheme of delegation detailed in the report be approved and to delegate to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services the detailed reallocation of powers reflecting the recent review of the Extended Management Team and the retirement of the Head of Safer Communities and Community Development.

(2)               That the revised Proper Officer provisions be approved.

(3)               That the changes to the Contract Procedure Rules be approved.

(4)               That the revised and updated Finance Procedure Rules be approved.




Standards Committee - Appointment of Parish Representative pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services/Monitoring Officer




To appoint a parish representative to the Standards Committee to fill a vacancy.




(1)               To appoint David Carr to serve on the Standards Committee as Parish Representative to take effect following the parish elections 2010.


Additional documents:


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services submitted a report to appoint a parish representative to the Standards Committee to fill a vacancy.




(1)               That David Carr be appointed to serve on the Standards Committee as Parish Representative to take effect following the parish elections 2010.



The Chairman thanked Mr Frewer and Mr Lane who had both resigned from the Standards Committee for all their hard work.