Issue - meetings

Health Sector Reform

Meeting: 09/01/2012 - Executive (Item 73)

73 Health Sector Reforms and Emerging New Local Arrangements pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Report of Director of Environment and Community




To consider the changes to the local health sector as a consequence of the health sector reforms and the resultant new structures and functions       




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)       Note the new Oxfordshire and local arrangements for the Health and Wellbeing Functions, Healthwatch and Clinical Commissioning.


(2)       Support and promote the District Council’s involvement in the appropriate parts of the Health & Wellbeing partnerships structure.


(3)       Continue to support the Community Partnership Network as a means of ensuring that local issues are adequately addressed in all parts of the health and social care sector.


Additional documents:


Recommendations approved.


The Director of Environment and Community submitted a report which sought consideration of the changes to the local health sector as a consequence of the health sector reforms and the resultant new structures and functions.


In introducing the report, the Lead Member for the Environment explained that whilst Cherwell District Council does not provide the main health services, it was important for the Council to be involved as the proposals provided many opportunities for the Council and its partners to make a contribution to and influence what, and how, health services were provided in Cherwell.


In response to a request from Councillor Tim Emptage, Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, regarding the role of district councillors in the reforms, the Leader agreed that it would be important to consider a suitable feedback structure to all Members.




(1)       That the new Oxfordshire and local arrangements for the Health and Wellbeing Functions, Healthwatch and Clinical Commissioning. Be noted


(2)       That the District Council’s involvement in the appropriate parts of the Health & Wellbeing partnerships structure be supported and promoted.


(3)       That the Community Partnership Network continue to be supported as a means of ensuring that local issues are adequately addressed in all parts of the health and social care sector.




The changes to the local health and social care sector are very significant and provide a range of opportunities for the Council and its partners to influence what and how services are provided to meet local needs in a much more coherent and joined up way. 




Option One

To fully engage with this change process and with partners, to influence future service provision as much as possible. This option is the basis of the report recommendations.


Option Two

To withdraw for health and social care sector matters and not become involved. Given the good work associated with the Horton Hospital, this option is not proposed.


Option Three

To engage only on an invited basis. Again, a passive approach such as this is not recommended as it is likely to result in only limited benefit.