Issue - meetings

Culture and Heritage Value for Money Review

Meeting: 10/01/2011 - Executive (Item 103)

103 Culture and Heritage Value for Money Review pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Report of Interim Chief Executive




To consider the findings of the Value for Money (VFM) Review of Culture and Heritage report and the recommendations arising from the report




The Executive is recommended:


(1)               To endorse the overall conclusion of the review that the service is low cost for the Museum but high cost for its Arts service, has high performance in terms of visitor numbers to the museum and is high quality in terms of user satisfaction for the museum.

(2)               To agree that improvements in value for money be sought and approve the following recommendations for achieving savings of £81,130 in 2011/12;

a.      Introduce single staffing at BanburyMuseum, saving £13,385

b.      Reduce the Museum exhibitions budget and operational costs, saving £15,476

c.      Reduce arts funding by £31,906, ending grant aid support for all provision other than The Mill, Banbury

d.       Reduce Arts Officer hours to 43 per week, saving £15,108

e.      Reduce the operational revenue budget for Arts officers by 26%, saving £5,255

(3)               To cease core service funding of The Courtyard, Bicester due to the intended change in use of the facility from a dedicated youth arts centre which, prima facie, negates the operational agreement the Council is party to. However, retain the provision of a dedicated arts officer to the facility to continue support for the remaining youth arts provision. Subject to further negotiation with OCC and the Arts Council Lottery Unit, this will enable further savings of £38,000 in 2011/12.

(4)               To agree in principle subject to further assessment, to transfer the operation of the Museum and Tourist Information Centre (TIC) into a bespoke Trust developed for the purpose from 2013/14, saving an estimated £64,000 in NNDR.

(5)               To ask officers to bring a detailed report on the creation of a Trust for the Museum and TIC to a future meeting.

Additional documents:


Recommendations Approved


The Interim Chief Executive submitted a report to consider the findings of the Value for Money (VFM) Review of Culture and Heritage report and the recommendations arising from the report




(1)               That the overall conclusion of the review that the service is low cost for the Museum but high cost for its Arts service, has high performance in terms of visitor numbers to the museum and is high quality in terms of user satisfaction for the museum be endorsed.

(2)               That improvements in value for money be sought and that the following recommendations for achieving savings of £81,130 in 2011/12 be approved;

a.      Introduce single staffing at Banbury Museum, saving £13,385

b.      Reduce the Museum exhibitions budget and operational costs, saving £15,476

c.      Reduce arts funding by £31,906, ending grant aid support for all provision other than The Mill, Banbury

d.       Reduce Arts Officer hours to 43 per week, saving £15,108

e.      Reduce the operational revenue budget for Arts officers by 26%, saving £5,255

(3)               That core service funding of The Courtyard, Bicester be ceased due to the intended change in use of the facility from a dedicated youth arts centre which, prima facie, negates the operational agreement the Council is party to. However, retain the provision of a dedicated arts officer to the facility to continue support for the remaining youth arts provision. Subject to further negotiation with OCC and the Arts Council Lottery Unit, this will enable further savings of £38,000 in 2011/12.

(4)               That subject to further assessment, it be agreed in principle to transfer the operation of the Museum and Tourist Information Centre (TIC) into a bespoke Trust developed for the purpose from 2013/14, saving an estimated £64,000 in NNDR.

(5)               That officers be requested to bring a detailed report on the creation of a Trust for the Museum and TIC to a future meeting.



This review forms part of the Value for Money programme of reviews, which aims to cover all services within the Council and improve the value of services offered to residents of Cherwell. Culture and Heritage was selected as an area for a ‘health check’ review during 2010/11 along with a number of other services as these had not previously been covered by the VFM programme but account for a high level of expenditure. The aim of such reviews is to quickly identify potential savings using information that is readily available.



Option One


To make savings of £183,130 as set out in the recommendations, which will significantly reduce the costs of the service, including arts funding, while still retaining a reasonable level of service provision

Option Two

To make further savings of £66,000 in arts development funding to bring it in line with the average spend of comparator authorities. This would require the loss of two posts and the end of funding to The Mill, putting the sustainability of the service in question.