Issue - meetings

Section 151 Officer Arrangements

Meeting: 19/10/2009 - Council (Item 47)

47 Section 151 Officer Arrangements pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Report of Chief Executive


Council is recommended to:

(1)               Approve that Phillip O’Dell be appointed as the Council’s Section 151 and Chief Finance Officer with effect from 26th October 2009 until 31st March 2010.

(2)               Note Phillip O’Dell has nominated the Head of Finance, Karen Curtin, as Deputy Section 151 and Deputy Chief Finance Officer authorised to act in his absence.

(3)               Agree that all reference to the Strategic Director Customer Services and Resources be deleted from the Council's constitution and that all the delegated powers to that post, including the section 151  functions, be transferred to the Head of Finance with a clear note that these functions will be exercised by the interim Chief Finance Officer with the Head of Finance as Deputy Section 151.

 (4)      Agree that the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the constitution to give effect to this arrangement.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive submitted a report to recommend changes to the Council’s current arrangements for a Section 151 Officer and Chief Finance Officer.



(1)               That Phillip O’Dell be appointed as the Council’s Section 151 and Chief Finance Officer with effect from 26th October 2009 until 31st March 2010.

(2)               That it be noted Phillip O’Dell has nominated the Head of Finance, Karen Curtin, as Deputy Section 151 and Deputy Chief Finance Officer authorised to act in his absence.

(3)               That all reference to the Strategic Director Customer Services and Resources be deleted from the Council's constitution and that all the delegated powers to that post, including the section 151 functions, be transferred to the Head of Finance with a clear note that these functions will be exercised by the interim Chief Finance Officer with the Head of Finance as Deputy Section 151.

 (4)      That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the constitution to give effect to this arrangement.