Issue - meetings

Refurbishment of Old Bodicote House Award of Tender

Meeting: 05/10/2009 - Executive (Item 56)

56 Refurbishment of Old Bodicote House pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Report of Chief Executive, Strategic Director Customer Service & Resources and Project Manager, Improvement Agenda




To approve refurbishment works to Old Bodicote House and necessary funding for this and associated accommodation works.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                 Approve the business case for the refurbishment of Old Bodicote House into serviced office accommodation


2)                 Approve sufficient funding in the capital programme for;

a.            the refurbishment works in accordance with the sum set out in Appendix 1 subject to final design refinements and subsequent contract sum;

b.            the extension of Bodicote House car park, in accordance with the sum set out in Appendix 1

c.            the outstanding sum required to complete essential fire safety and other improvements to the stairwells of Bodicote House, to the sum of £40,000


3)                 Award the design and built contract for the refurbishment of Old Bodicote House to the preferred contractor in accordance with the recommendation in Appendix 1.


4)                 Commission agents to identify and secure tenancy for Old Bodicote House during the execution of the works to ensure the earliest possible tenancy.







Additional documents:


The Chief Executive, Strategic Director Customer Service & Resources and Project Manager submitted a report regarding the refurbishment works to Old Bodicote House. The Portfolio Holder drew the Executives attention to the revised recommendations which had been previously distributed.




(1)       That the progress to date on determining the future use of Old Bodicote House be noted.


(2)       That any decision on the refurbishment of Old Bodicote House and the extension of Bodicote House car park be deferred to the November meeting of the Executive.


(3)       That sufficient funding in the capital programme for the outstanding work required to complete essential fire safety and other improvements to the stairwells of Bodicote House, to the sum of £40,000, be approved.


Reasons- The council’s Asset Management Plan was adopted by Executive on 27 April 2009.  It sets out the ambition to create and maintain new sources of income that can be used to sustain an appropriate level of future capital investment. A further ambition is to offer facilities for partner organisations to occupy, generating income for the Council, and potentially reduce the financial support those partners require while seeking to increase income by offering additional services to tenants, enabling the Council to offset part of its fixed overheads against this service charge.