Issue - meetings

Planning for Swine Flu Pandemic

Meeting: 19/10/2009 - Council (Item 43)

43 Planning for a Flu Pandemic - Establishing an Emergency General Purpose Committee pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Report of the Executive Portfolio Holder for Democratic Services and Member Development


The Executive recommends Council to:


(1)       Agree that in the event of an ongoing emergency an Emergency General Purpose Committee be constituted to make any decisions the Council is able to make which are not part of the Executive functions or reserved in legislation to full Council. The composition of the Emergency General Purpose Committee would be the Leader of Council with any member of the Executive as substitute, the Deputy Leader with any member of the majority group as substitute and the Leader of the opposition, with any member of the opposition group as substitute.



Additional documents:


Council considered a report of the Executive Portfolio Holder for Democratic Services and Member Development to request Council to agree the establishment of a non proportional representation Emergency General Purpose Committee, which was subsequently carried with no member voting against.




That in the event of an ongoing emergency an Emergency General Purpose Committee be constituted to make any decisions the Council is able to make which are not part of the Executive functions or reserved in legislation to full Council as set out in the annex to these minutes (as set out in the minute book). The composition of the Emergency General Purpose Committee would be the Leader of Council with any member of the Executive as substitute, the Deputy Leader with any member of the majority group as substitute and the Leader of the opposition, with any member of the opposition group as substitute.

Meeting: 03/08/2009 - Executive (Item 29)

29 Planning for Swine Flu Pandemic pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Report of Head Of Legal And Democratic Services, Head Of Human Resources And Head Of Safer Communities & Community Development




To inform the Executive of the current situation and seek approval for proposed actions in the event of significant levels of illness.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                    Note that the government may consider extending self certification from 7 days to 14 days and that a signed medical certificate will not be required.


2)                    Utilise the ICT contingency reserve to fund expenditure of £15 000 to upgrade the IT infrastructure and ensure that home working is available to all who need it.


3)                    Agree to provide mutual aid and assistance to the PCT as requested which will include making available the locations noted in the report as antiviral distribution centres and redeploying staff if requested provided those staff have the same level of protection as NHS staff. To agree that mutual aid be made available to neighbouring local authorities subject to local circumstances and availability.


4)                    Agree that the trigger for activating the Council’s Pandemic Flu Plan will be when the first case is reported in a current employee.


5)                    Agree that if necessary all Executive powers be delegated to an urgency committee made up of any three of the Executive which shall include the Leader or Deputy Leader of Council if possible.


6)                    Recommend to Council that in the event of an ongoing emergency an Emergency General Purpose Committee be constituted to make any decisions the Council is able to make which are not part of the Executive functions or reserved in legislation to full Council. The composition of the Emergency General Purpose Committee would be the Leader of Council with any member of the Executive as substitute, the Deputy Leader with any member of the majority group as substitute and the Leader of the opposition, with any member of the opposition group as substitute.





Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed, subject to the amendment to recommendation 3: after second sentence insert ‘provided neither compromise our ability to provide essential services’.


The Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Head of Human Resources and Head of Safer Communities & Community Development, submitted a report o inform the Executive of the current situation and seek approval for proposed actions in the event of significant levels of illness.




1)                       That it be noted that the government may consider extending self certification from 7 days to 14 days and that a signed medical certificate would not be required.


2)                       That the ICT contingency reserve be utilised to fund expenditure of £15 000 to upgrade the IT infrastructure and ensure that home working is available to all who need it.


3)                       That agreement be given to providing mutual aid and assistance to the PCT as requested which would include making available the locations noted in the report as antiviral distribution centres and redeploying staff if requested provided those staff have the same level of protection as NHS staff. That mutual aid be made available to neighbouring local authorities subject to local circumstances and availability, provided that neither compromise our ability to provide essential services.


4)                       That the trigger for activating the Council’s Pandemic Flu Plan would be when the first case is reported in a current employee. That the Cherwell District Council Decision Making contingency Plan as set out in Annex 1 to the minutes (as set out in the minute book) be agreed.


5)                       That if necessary all Executive powers be delegated to an urgency committee made up of any three of the Executive which shall include the Leader or Deputy Leader of Council if possible.


6)                       That Council be recommend in the event of an ongoing emergency to establish an Emergency General Purpose Committee to make any decisions the Council is able to make which are not part of the Executive functions or reserved in legislation to full Council. The composition of the Emergency General Purpose Committee would be the Leader of Council with any member of the Executive as substitute, the Deputy Leader with any member of the majority group as substitute and the Leader of the opposition, with any member of the opposition group as substitute.


Reasons - Council officers attended an emergency planning exercise at Newport Pagnell on 13th July to test the Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum’s pandemic flu plan. All the district council representatives agreed we are likely to have a limited role in the wider community with the exception of Communications who can play a key part in issuing advice. It was also recognised that environmental health staff might be called upon to assist the PCT in “non?council” activities.




Option One

Invoke the pandemic flu plan as and when the Corporate Management Team agree it is appropriate.

Option Two

Invoke the pandemic flu plan at the agreed trigger point of

the first reported case amongst current employees.

Option Three

Do not invoke the pandemic flu plan.