Issue - meetings

Bicester Town Centre Development

Meeting: 16/11/2009 - Executive (Item 77)

Bicester Town Centre Development

Report of Head of Economic Development and Estates




To update members on the progress of the proposed redevelopment scheme, and seek approval for the revised arrangements proposed to deliver this project.


Additional documents:


Recommendations as set out in the exempt report agreed with an amendment:


Recommendation (1) to agree the proposals in the exempt annex in principle subject to the review of the accounting treatment of the transactions detailed in the exempt annex by the Head of Finance and the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Organisational Development and the Leader.




The Head of Economic Development and Estates submitted a report which updated members on the progress of the proposed redevelopment scheme, and sought approval for the revised arrangements proposed to deliver this project.




That the proposed financial arrangements set out in the exempt appendix be agreed in principle subject to the review of the accounting treatment of the transactions detailed in the exempt annex by the Head of Finance and the Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources and Organisational Development and the Leader.