Issue - meetings

Performance Management Framework Quarter 1 Report

Meeting: 03/08/2009 - Executive (Item 34)

34 Performance Management Framework Quarter 1 Report pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Report of the Chief Executive and Head of Improvement




This report covers the Council’s performance for the period April to June 2009 as measured through the Performance Management Framework




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                    Confirm that the responses in paragraph 2.1 to the issues raised in the 2008/09 Annual Performance Report are satisfactory or to request any further information or action.


2)                    Note the many achievements referred to in paragraph 1.3.


3)                    Agree officers’ report in the second quarter report performance report on the items shown in paragraph 1.4 where performance did not meet the required target or there are issues of concern.  


Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed


Additional action: Councillors Wood, Macnamara and Morris to be provided with a monthly high level variance analysis of car parking income.


The Chief Executive and Head of Improvement submitted a report that covered the Council’s performance for the period April to June 2009 as measured through the Performance Management Framework


The Leader of the Council requested that Councillors Wood, Macnamara and Morris be provided with a monthly high level variance analysis of car parking income.




1)              That the responses below to the issues raised in the 2008/09 Annual Performance Report be confirmed as satisfactory:



Cherwell: A District of Opportunity

a.   The ongoing impact of the economic recession on meeting targets for the provision of new homes and jobs, the rising demands on services such as Housing Benefits and Economic Development and the reduced income for Building Control, Development Control, and Land Charges.


New Homes.  The first quarter of 2009/10 saw 215 (net) new dwellings provided of which 10 were change of use or conversions.  This is against a target of 376 for the whole year.  The completion of the 86 assisted living and frail elderly sheltered apartments on the former Spirit motors site on the Southam Road in Banbury was a significant contributor to this.


Jobs.  The target for new jobs created will be met, but will be exceeded by the number lost.  Unemployment is rising, but remains below the regional average.  The Council’s efforts are concentrated on helping individuals through job clubs and businesses through the enterprise service rather than encouraging inward investment where very few enquiries are being received.


Income.  Building Control.  As a result of the predicted downturn in development activity the 2009/10 income budget of £391,000 was set 16% lower than the 2008/09 budget of £465,000.  The income to date this year is £110,000 against a profiled budget of £98,000, representing a surplus of 12% to date.  Development Control income was £14,000 below forecast for the 1st Quarter.  The income target for Land Charges in 2009/10 realistically reflects the current economic situation and so far is on target.


b.   The progress of major regeneration and development schemes:


Banbury Canalside.  The Council has retained consultants to prepare a draft supplementary planning document for public consultation in the autumn.  Work is proceeding on this, supported by the Homes and Communities Agency. 

BicesterTown Centre.  Since acquiring the development company, Sainsbury’s have reviewed the proposed scheme with a view to improving its financial viability.  It is anticipated that the board of Sainsbury’s will be invited to confirm their support for some amendments to the scheme in July, following which work on an amended planning application will commence.

South West Bicester.  Work continues with regard to the applicants request to review the planning obligation requirements for the site.  This is being jointly undertaken with the County Council.


c.   Delays producing the Local Development Framework due to the pressure of work and strategic uncertainties resulting from the eco-town proposal.


There have been delays progressing the Core Strategy within the Local Development Framework for two reasons.  Firstly, there has been some delay in completing the numerous pieces of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34