Issue - meetings

Roadside Sale of Cars in Banbury

Meeting: 15/06/2009 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Roadside Sale of Cars in Banbury pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Report of Strategic Director Environment and Community




To consider the actions the Council is taking regarding any vehicles parked illegally on highway land, particularly for trading and sale purposes and to consider any further action.




The Executive is recommended to:


1)                 Note the action already taken by the District Council and support its continuation.

2)                 Urge Oxfordshire County Council Trading Standards to step up its enforcement and prosecution activity

3)                 Agree to designate specific parts/whole entry and arterial roads and lay-bys in Banbury as prohibited streets for trading according to current trading activity and to authorise the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Recreation and Health to agree the final details.




Additional documents:


Approved, with the amendment that the text ‘according to current trading activity’ be deleted from recommendation 3.


The Strategic Director Environment and Community submitted a report to consider the actions the Council is taking regarding any vehicles parked illegally on highway land, particularly for trading and sale purposes and to consider any further action.


It was agreed Recommendation 3 be amended to delete the words ‘according to current trading activity’.




1)                 That the action already taken by the District Council be noted and continued action supported.

2)                 That Oxfordshire County Council Trading Standards be urged to step up its enforcement and prosecution activity

3)                 That it be agreed to designate specific parts/whole entry and arterial roads and lay-bys in Banbury as prohibited streets for trading and to authorise the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Recreation and Health to agree the final details.


Reasons - There is clear evidence of vehicles parked illegally and for sale on highway land around Banbury.  This occurs primarily on 12 roads. Coordinated action by this Council, Trading Standards of the County Council and the Police has been taken for many years.  Following local member and officer initiative, Cherwell District Council has and continues to take action where it can in the fight against cars for sale parked on the roadside.