6. Graven Hill Village Development Company (GHVDC) - Shareholder Agreement Revisions PDF 238 KB
**An exempt appendix is included on this agenda as a separate item**
Report of the Monitoring Officer and Assistant Director of Law and Governance.
Purpose of the report
This report recommends changes to the Shareholder Agreement that governs the relationship and decision making as between the Council and the Graven Hill companies.
The changes arise following implementation of the Governance Review in 2023.
The Shareholder Committee resolves:
1.1 To approve the Shareholder Agreement as amended and:
1.2 To delegate to the Assistant Director of Law and Governance to make further such amendments to the Shareholder Agreement as necessary, including inserting the Data Protection Schedule, as appropriate.
1.3 To delegate to the Assistant Director of Law and Governance in consultation with the Leader to enter into the Shareholder Agreement.
Additional documents:
(1) That the Shareholder Agreement as amended be approved, and:
(2) That delegation to the Assistant Director of Law and Governance to make further such amendments to the Shareholder Agreement as necessary, including inserting the Data Protection Schedule, as appropriate be approved.
(3) That delegation to the Assistant Director of Law and Governance in consultation with the Leader to enter into the Shareholder Agreement be approved.