9. Graven Hill Village Development Company (GHVDC) - Quarter Three Business Report 2024/25 PDF 256 KB
**An exempt version of this report and the exempt appendices are included on this agenda as a separate item**
Report of the Shareholder
Purpose of report
To note, comment and approve recommendations in response to the GHVDC Quarter Three Business Report.
The Shareholder Committee is recommended to:
1.1 To note and comment on the GHVDC Quarter Three Business Report.
1.2 To approve the GHVDC Quarter Three Business Report
1.3 To note and comment on the minutes, actions and agreed outputs from the 07th February Strategy Day (Appendix C of the exempt report).
1.4 To approve the minutes, actions and agreed outputs including adoption by the Company of Option 9 of the proposed viabilities as reviewed and confirmed at the Strategy Day and to progress this in tandem with the Stage 2 planning application.
1.5 To note and comment on the GHVDC Renumeration Committee Report (Appendix D of the exempt report).
1.6 To approve the recommendations of the GHVDC Renumeration Committee Report. Shareholder Committee consent is sought in accordance with Clause 4.10 and 7.1.8 of the 6th December 2021 Shareholder Agreement Matters requiring Consent of the Council.
1.7 To note and comment on the Am Trust pre action protocol letter overview.
1.8 To approve that the Company pursues the suggested courses of action proposed by Trowers and provide updates at future Shareholder Committees in accordance with Clause 7.1.23 of the 6th December 2021 Shareholder Agreement
Additional documents:
(1) That the GHVDC Quarter Three Business Report be noted and commented on.
(2) That the GHVDC Quarter Three Business Report be approved.
(3) That the minutes, actions and agreed outputs from the 07th February Strategy Day (Appendix C of the exempt report) be noted and commented on.
(4) That the minutes, actions and agreed outputs including adoption by the Company of Option 9 of the proposed viabilities as reviewed and confirmed at the Strategy Day and to progress this in tandem with the Stage 2 planning application be approved.
(5) That the GHVDC Renumeration Committee Report (Appendix D of the exempt report) be noted and commented on.
(6) That the recommendations of the GHVDC Renumeration Committee Report be approved. Shareholder Committee consent is sought in accordance with Clause 4.10 and 7.1.8 of the 6th December 2021 Shareholder Agreement Matters requiring Consent of the Council.
(7) That the Am Trust pre action protocol letter overview be noted and commented on.
(8) That the Company pursues the suggested courses of action proposed by Trowers and provide updates at future Shareholder Committees in accordance with Clause 7.1.23 of the 6th December 2021 Shareholder Agreement be approved.