52 Scrutiny Work Programme 2024-25 (Updated) PDF 382 KB
Additional documents:
(1) That subject to the following addition, the Scrutiny Work Programme 2024-25 be agreed. - Housing Development Action Plan to be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee
The Chairmanprovided anupdate onCommittee’s WorkProgramme 2024-25 advising that due to the large volume of remaining items on the work programmethat itwas agreedto hold anadditional meetingin Marchto better disperse the items over the two meetings. The Committee would therefore meet on both 11 March and 18 March.
It was proposed by Councillor Chapman and seconded by Councill Wood that due to the change in housing targets as a result of the updatedNational PlanningPolicy Framework(NPPF) resultingin alower than expected housing supply, officers be requested to submit a report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to cover any possible actions or mitigations that could be implemented in light of the current housing situation.
Members discussedthe suggestionseeking advicefrom officers. On being put to the vote, there were 8 votes in favour, no votes against and 1 abstention. Democratic and Elections Officers would liaise with Planning regarding the scheduling of the item.
The Committee also requested thata reporton theHousing DevelopmentAction Planbe submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.
(1) Thatsubject tothe followingaddition, theScrutiny WorkProgramme 2024-25 be agreed.
(2) HousingDevelopment ActionPlan tobe submittedto afuture meeting of the Committee.