70 Bicester East Community Centre, Keble Road, Bicester, OX26 4TP PDF 1 MB
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Approved in line with officer recommendation that conditions 7, 9, 10 and 11 of application 22/02491/CDC be discharged.
The Committee considered application 24/01933/DISC for the discharge of Conditions 7 (lighting details), 9 (bin storage), 10 (covered cycle parking facilities) & 11 (boundary enclosures) of 22/02491/CDC at Bicester East Community Centre, Keble Road, Bicester, OX26 4TP for Mr Stuart Parkhurst.
In reaching its decision the Committee considered the officer’s report, and presentation.
That planning conditions 7, 9, 10 and 11 of 22/02491/CDC be discharged based upon the following:
Condition 7
In accordance with External Lighting document prepared by Dextra Group Plc dated 04.04.2023 and Product Specification document (Opus Column) prepared by Dextra Group Plc.
Condition 9
In accordance with drawing numbers 5046/G/20/003 Rev C7 and 5046/G/20/011 Rev P2.
Condition 10
In accordance with drawing numbers 5046/G/20/003 Rev C7 and 5046/G/20/011 Rev P2.
Condition 11
In accordance with drawing number 5046/G/20/003 Rev C7.