Issue - meetings

Flooding and Flood Risk

Meeting: 06/01/2020 - Executive (Item 74)

74 Resumption of Land Drainage and Flood Risk Management Services pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Report of Director Communities


Purpose of report


The purpose of this Report is to highlight a significant gap that has emerged in the abilities of Cherwell and its Partner Authorities to respond effectively to flooding events.  It provides reasons why flood risk in the District has increased over the past few years and recommends how Cherwell can reverse this trend.




The meeting is recommended to agree that:


1.1         The policy decision taken by the Executive on 11 October 2010 to disengage altogether from land drainage and flood risk management services is rescinded.


1.2         A policy to re-engage with these services, at a slightly reduced level than previously, is agreed.


1.3         A revenue budget of £50,000 per annum is allocated to a reinstated land drainage and flood risk management service for 2020/21 and ensuing years.


Additional documents:




(1)            That it be agreed to to develop a policy to provide land drainage and flood risk management  services.


(2)            That it be agreed to allocate a revenue budget of £50,000 per annum to provide a  land drainage and flood risk management service for 2020/21 and ensuing years.


(3)            That it be agreed that Cherwell District Council work in partnership with the Lead Local Flood Authority (OCC)  and partners to minimise the risk of flooding to the residents and businesses in Cherwell.



The Corporate Director Communities submitted a report which highlighted a significant gap that had emerged in the abilities of Cherwell and its Partner Authorities to respond effectively to flooding events. It provided reasons why flood risk in the District had increased over the past few years and recommended how Cherwell can reverse this trend.




(1)            That it be agreed to develop a policy to provide land drainage and flood risk management  services.


(2)            That it be agreed to allocate a revenue budget of £50,000 per annum to provide a  land drainage and flood risk management service for 2020/21 and ensuing years.


(3)            That it be agreed that Cherwell District Council work in partnership with the Lead Local Flood Authority (OCC)  and partners to minimise the risk of flooding to the residents and businesses in Cherwell.




In 2011 the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 created Oxfordshire County Council as the “Lead Local Flood Authority” (LLFA) for the whole of the County. There was an expectation at that time that the LLFA would take on all the services being undertaken by Cherwell.  However, the Act only intended the LLFA to undertake a more strategic role, leaving the day to day management of watercourses and other elements of the service to district authorities but working within the wider strategic partnership. This left a gap in the local community leadership space across the District.


District Council powers in this service area have not diminished as a result of the Flood and Water Management Act.  The powers to manage, maintain and where necessary undertake enforcement are still intact and remain largely contained in the Public Health Act 1936, the Land Drainage Act 1976 and the Land Drainage Act 1991.


It is now proposed that Cherwell reviews its land drainage and flood risk management policy in order to mitigate  the risk to the local communities.


Alternative options


The proposal is not to replicate the work or role of the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) but instead to ensure  that the local  services are provided in addition to the largely strategic role provided by the  LLFA


The status quo position would expose the residents of Cherwell to increased impact of flooding and with the current forecasting changing weather patterns and increasing likelihood of occurrence. When (not if) the next flood event occurs, the community would first look to Cherwell for local leadership.