Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/02/2010 - Council (Item 61)


To receive communications from the Chairman and/or the Leader of the Council.


Additional documents:


The Chairman noted the sad passing of former District Councillor Harold Hart who served on the Council between 1974 and 1993 primarily on the Development Services Committee and North Area Planning Committee. Members of the Council joined the Chairman in remembering Mr Hart’s service to the Council and the District by observing a one minute’s silence.


The Chairman informed Members that there were still tickets available for the Chairman’s Dinner on Friday 9 April at the Bicester Hotel Golf Club and Spa. The proceeds would be donated to the Chairman’s two chosen charities the Alzheimer’s Society and the Make a Wish Foundation.

Meeting: 18/01/2010 - Council (Item 49)


To receive communications from the Chairman and/or the Leader of the Council.


Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed young people who were attending the Council meeting from Banbury School and were participating in the Local Councillor Shadowing Programme to gain a greater understanding of what it is like to be a Councillor and how the Council works.


The Chairman noted that Councillor Blackwell was not at the meeting as he had broken his leg at Christmas, members joined the Chairman in wishing him a speedy recovery. The Chairman also noted that 2010 marked Councillor Blackwell’s 40th year of local government service and invited Councillors to join her in marking this occasion in April.


The Chairman announced that her annual dinner would be held on Friday 8 April 2010 at Bicester Hotel, Golf and Spa in aid of her charities, with tickets costing £45.


Meeting: 19/10/2009 - Council (Item 35)


To receive communications from the Chairman and/or the Leader of the Council.


Additional documents:


The Chairman noted that it had been hoped that Julie Evans Strategic Director – Customer Service and Resources had been able to attend the meeting to enable members to thank her for her contribution at Cherwell and to wish her well for her new job at Slough Borough Council, however she had been unavoidably delayed.