Issue - meetings

Parsons Street Pedestrianisation Scheme Traffic Regulation Order

Meeting: 02/03/2009 - Executive (Item 186)

186 Parsons Street Pedestrianisation Scheme Traffic Regulation Order pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Report of Head of Economic Development and Estates




To consider amendments to the draftParsons Street/Market Place traffic regulation order.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)       That the draft Parsons Street, Bridge Street and Market Place Order be amended to delete the evening core period between 8.00pm and 1.00am each day, in accordance with the Inspector’s recommendation.


(2)       To amend the draft order to make it clear that the exemption for vehicles delivering mail extends to all Licensed Postal Operators, as defined by the Postal Services Commission, following de-regulation of postal services.


(3)       To vary the arrangements relating to the issue of residential exemption certificates issued to residents having private off-street parking spaces within the area, to enable them to have two certificates per space which can be used by residents or visitors. 


(4)       To vary the arrangements relating to commercial exemption certificates similarly, so that two certificates can be issued in respect of each private business parking space.


(5)       To vary the arrangements relating to commercial exemption certificates issued to the owners of private business parking spaces, street and market traders, to entitle them to enter the pedestrianised areas during the core period, for the purposes of accessing their premises or stall.


(6)       To seek the County Council’s authority to make an amendment order to  amend the existing High Street and Sheep street Orders, to make similar provisions for commercial exemption certificates.


(7)       To make other minor adjustments to the wording of the draft order recommended by the Inspector to clarify the Council’s intentions.


(8)       To advertise the Council’s intention to make these amendments, and consider any objections received at a future meeting.


Additional documents:





The Head of Economic Development and Estates submitted a report which considered amendments to the draft Parson Street/Market Place traffic regulation order.




(1)       That the draft Parsons Street, Bridge Street and Market Place Order be amended to delete the evening core period between 8.00pm and 1.00am each day, in accordance with the Inspector’s recommendation.


(2)       That the draft order be amended to make it clear that the exemption for vehicles delivering mail extends to all Licensed Postal Operators, as defined by the Postal Services Commission, following de-regulation of postal services.


(3)       That the arrangements relating to the issue of residential exemption certificates issued to residents having private off-street parking spaces within the area be varied, to enable them to have two certificates per space which can be used by residents or visitors. 


(4)       That the arrangements relating to commercial exemption certificates be varied similarly, so that two certificates can be issued in respect of each private business parking space.


(5)       That the arrangements relating to commercial exemption certificates issued to the owners of private business parking spaces, street and market traders, to entitle them to enter the pedestrianised areas during the core period be varied, for the purposes of accessing their premises or stall.


(6)       That the County Council’s authority be sought to make an amendment order to  amend the existing High Street and Sheep street Orders, to make similar provisions for commercial exemption certificates.


(7)       That the Head of Economic Development and Estates be delegated authority to make other minor adjustments to the wording of the draft order recommended by the Inspector to clarify the Council’s intentions.


(8)       That the Council’s intention to make these amendments be advertised, and any objections received be considered at a future meeting.


Reasons - If the Council were not minded to accept the Inspector’s recommendations, and wished to proceed with the order including the evening core period, it would be necessary to seek the consent of the Secretary of State.  He is likely to be concerned by any refusal to accept the Inspector’s advice.


If no amendments to the order are made to permit the markets to operate as they currently do, and the order does not allow traders to access market place until 4.30pm, it is considered likely that this will have a detrimental affect on the market.