Issue - meetings

Lead Member Attendance - Councillor Lynn Pratt

Meeting: 21/11/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 37)

Lead Member Attendance - Councillor Lynn Pratt

Lead Member for Estates and the Economy, Councillor Lynn Pratt, will attend the meeting to give an overview of her areas of responsibility.


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Lynn Pratt, Lead Member for Estates and the Economy, to the meeting, to give an overview of her portfolio.


Councillor Pratt explained that the portfolio was extremely diverse, and involved working closely with the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy and the interim Property Investment Manager.


Due to the level of economic growth across the district, Councillor Pratt explained that it was an exciting time to be involved with the portfolio.


The recent Banbury Business Improvement District (BID) process had returned a yes vote, meaning that further work would be undertaken in the coming months to establish the BID board.


In addition to the economic growth, Councillor Pratt explained that Cherwell District Council was the headline sponsor for the 2018 Cherwell Business Awards, which had been officially launched in October.  


The Committee thanked Councillor Pratt for the overview.




(1)       That the overview be noted