Issue - meetings

Performance Management Framework Quarter 3 Report

Meeting: 02/03/2009 - Executive (Item 188)

188 Performance Management Framework Quarter 3 Report pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Report of Chief executive and Head of Improvement




To report the Council’s performance against the Performance Management Framework for the period October – December 2008.




The Executive is recommended:


1)     To note the progress made on delivering against the Corporate Scorecard and the other performance frameworks appended to this report.


2)     To note the responses to the issues raised in the 2nd quarter report and to seek further information in the next quarterly Performance Management Framework report if required.


3)     To agree that in the next quarterly report there will be an update on the impact of the economic downturn on:


a)                 The Council’s ability to deliver the 2008/09 corporate targets of 400 new homes and the creation of 200 gross new jobs and the impact on our targets in these areas for 2009/10.


b)                 The income received through building control, planning applications and land charges during 2008/09, the projections for 2009/10 and the proposals for responding to a sustained drop in income as embodied in the 2009/10 budget.


c)                  The progress of key development projects such as Banbury Canalside, Bicester Town Centre and South West Bicester.


4)     To agree that in the next quarterly report there will be an update on the following: 


a)                 The target for reducing acquisitive crime by 5% is unlikely to be met and current projections suggest a 2% reduction will be achieved. 


b)                 The amount of waste sent to landfill.  This is expected to be reduced by a minimum of 1400 tonnes but with the real possibility of further improvement to achieve the annual target of 1500 tonnes.


c)                  The worsening performance on fly tipping and prosecutions.


d)                 The time taken to process minor and other planning applications.   These met 59% and 71% of the respective performance targets and are rated Red and there has been a slight deterioration in the performance of both since the last quarter.  


e)                 The delay in introducing the Food Waste Recycling Service.  It is now likely to be Autumn 2009 before the delayed local food waste processing facility is built by the County Council.


f)                    The increase in the number of days lost through sickness from 3.58 per full time employee a year to 6.31.

Additional documents:


Agreed, with the deletion of recommendation 3 and renumbered accordingly.  The recommendation was out of date due to the deferment of this report due to bad weather in February 2009.



The Chief Executive and Head of Improvement submitted a report which reported the Council’s performance against the Performance Management Framework for the period October – December 2008.


The Executive were advised that recommendation 3 was out of date due to the deferment of this report due to bad weather in February 2009 and needed to be deleted.




1)     To note the progress made on delivering against the Corporate Scorecard and the other performance frameworks appended to this report.


2)     To note the responses to the issues raised in the 2nd quarter report and to seek further information in the next quarterly Performance Management Framework report if required.



3)     To agree that in the next quarterly report there will be an update on the following: 


a)                 The target for reducing acquisitive crime by 5% is unlikely to be met and current projections suggest a 2% reduction will be achieved. 


b)                 The amount of waste sent to landfill.  This is expected to be reduced by a minimum of 1400 tonnes but with the real possibility of further improvement to achieve the annual target of 1500 tonnes.


c)                  The worsening performance on fly tipping and prosecutions.


d)                 The time taken to process minor and other planning applications.   These met 59% and 71% of the respective performance targets and are rated Red and there has been a slight deterioration in the performance of both since the last quarter.  


e)                 The delay in introducing the Food Waste Recycling Service.  It is now likely to be Autumn 2009 before the delayed local food waste processing facility is built by the County Council.


f)                    The increase in the number of days lost through sickness from 3.58 per full time employee a year to 6.31.


Reasons - The purpose of the report is to show the Council’s performance against the performance measures in the Performance Management Framework.  From this information the Executive can make an overall judgement about the progress the Council is making in meeting its objectives and identify the achievements it wishes to celebrate and the areas where action is required to improve performance. 


Meeting: 09/02/2009 - Executive (Item 170)

170 Performance Management Framework Quarter 3 Report pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Report of Chief Executive and Head of Improvement




To report the Council’s performance against the Performance Management Framework for the period October – December 2008.




The Executive is recommended:


1)     To note the progress made on delivering against the Corporate Scorecard and the other performance frameworks appended to this report.


2)     To note the responses to the issues raised in the 2nd quarter report and to seek further information in the next quarterly Performance Management Framework report if required.


3)     To agree that in the next quarterly report there will be an update on the impact of the economic downturn on:


a)     The Council’s ability to deliver the 2008/09 corporate targets of 400 new homes and the creation of 200 gross new jobs and the impact on our targets in these areas for 2009/10.


b)     The income received through building control, planning applications and land charges during 2008/09, the projections for 2009/10 and the proposals for responding to a sustained drop in income as embodied in the 2009/10 budget. .


c)      The progress of key development projects such as Banbury Canalside, Bicester Town Centre and South West Bicester.


4)     To agree that in the next quarterly report there will be an update on the following: 


a)     The target for reducing acquisitive crime by 5% is unlikely to be met and current projections suggest a 2% reduction will be achieved.  (Note:  The Performance Scrutiny Working Group has identified this as an area of concern and are proposing it should be subject to review through the scrutiny process.  The progress of this work will be reported as part of this update). 


b)      The increase in recorded violent crime (although involving a small number of incidents this has risen by 25% over the last quarter).


c)      The amount of waste sent to landfill.  This is expected to be reduced by a minimum of 1400 tonnes but with the real possibility of further improvement to achieve the annual target of 1500 tonnes.


d)     The worsening performance on flytipping and prosecutions.


e)     The time taken to process minor and other planning applications.   These met 59% and 71% of the respective performance targets and are rated Red and there has been a slight deterioration in the performance of both since the last quarter.  (Note:  The Performance Scrutiny Working Group has identified this as an area of concern and are proposing it should be subject to review through the scrutiny process.  The progress of this will be reported as part of this update). 


f)        The delay in introducing the Food Waste Recycling Service.  .  It is now likely to be Autumn 2009 before the delayed  local food waste processing facility is built by the County Council.


g)     The increase in the number of days lost through sickness from 3.58 per full time employee a year to 6.31.

Additional documents:


Item deferred.


At the request of the Chairman this item was deferred to March.


Resolved, that this item be deferred until March to allow for further consideration.

Meeting: 02/02/2009 - Executive (Item 12.)

12. Performance Management Framework Quarter 3 Report pdf icon PDF 123 KB

Report of Chief Executive and Head of Improvement




To report the Council’s performance against the Performance Management Framework for the period October – December 2008.




The Executive is recommended:


1)     To note the progress made on delivering against the Corporate Scorecard and the other performance frameworks appended to this report.


2)     To note the responses to the issues raised in the 2nd quarter report and to seek further information in the next quarterly Performance Management Framework report if required.


3)     To agree that in the next quarterly report there will be an update on the impact of the economic downturn on:


a)     The Council’s ability to deliver the 2008/09 corporate targets of 400 new homes and the creation of 200 gross new jobs and the impact on our targets in these areas for 2009/10.


b)     The income received through building control, planning applications and land charges during 2008/09, the projections for 2009/10 and the proposals for responding to a sustained drop in income as embodied in the 2009/10 budget. .


c)      The progress of key development projects such as Banbury Canalside, Bicester Town Centre and South West Bicester.


4)     To agree that in the next quarterly report there will be an update on the following: 


a)     The target for reducing acquisitive crime by 5% is unlikely to be met and current projections suggest a 2% reduction will be achieved.  (Note:  The Performance Scrutiny Working Group has identified this as an area of concern and are proposing it should be subject to review through the scrutiny process.  The progress of this work will be reported as part of this update). 


b)      The increase in recorded violent crime (although involving a small number of incidents this has risen by 25% over the last quarter).


c)      The amount of waste sent to landfill.  This is expected to be reduced by a minimum of 1400 tonnes but with the real possibility of further improvement to achieve the annual target of 1500 tonnes.


d)     The worsening performance on flytipping and prosecutions.


e)     The time taken to process minor and other planning applications.   These met 59% and 71% of the respective performance targets and are rated Red and there has been a slight deterioration in the performance of both since the last quarter.  (Note:  The Performance Scrutiny Working Group has identified this as an area of concern and are proposing it should be subject to review through the scrutiny process.  The progress of this will be reported as part of this update). 


f)        The delay in introducing the Food Waste Recycling Service.  .  It is now likely to be Autumn 2009 before the delayed  local food waste processing facility is built by the County Council.


g)     The increase in the number of days lost through sickness from 3.58 per full time employee a year to 6.31.

Additional documents: