Issue - meetings

Consultation and Engagement Strategy and the Duty to Involve

Meeting: 09/02/2009 - Executive (Item 161)

161 Consultation and Engagement Strategy and the Duty to Involve pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Report of Chief Executive and Community and Corporate Planning Manager




This report presents a final version of a consultation and engagement strategy and action plan for Cherwell District Council and outlines the steps the council needs to take to meet the requirements of new legislation in this policy area.




The Executive is recommended:


(1) To undertake consultation on the draft strategy and make any amendments in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Policy and Community Planning.

(2) Following consultation, to recommend to Council the adoption of the consultation and engagement strategy and action plan as council policy and the preferred approach to improving consultation and community engagement, to delivering our commitment to be an Accessible, Value for Money Council and to meeting the statutory requirements of the Duty to Involve in the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.

(3) To request an annual progress review of the strategy and action plan to be received by the Executive.


Additional documents:


Agreed with the amendment that the Chairman reserves the right to amend.


The Chief Executive and Community and Corporate Planning Manager submitted a report to present a final version of a consultation and engagement strategy and action plan for Cherwell District Council and to outline the steps the council needed to take to meet the requirements of new legislation in this area.




(1)   To undertake consultation on the draft strategy and make any amendments in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Policy and Community Planning.


(2)   Following consultation, to recommend Council the adoption of the consultation and engagement strategy and action plan as council policy and the preferred approach to improving consultation and community engagement, to delivering our commitment to be an Accessible, Value for Money Council and to meeting the statutory requirements of the Duty to Involve in the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.


(3)   To request an annual progress review of the strategy and action plan to be received by the Executive.


Reasons – The business benefits of adopting the consultation and engagement strategy as proposed in this paper, and the supporting appendices go beyond meeting statutory requirements. They reflect and develop the Council’s current commitment and approach and include:


·        A clear statement of our commitment to consultation and engagement and an overview of the standards the public can expect when we undertake consultation.


·        Support for Members in terms of better information about community needs and also improved opportunities to be involved in consultation.


·        Closer alignment between service and financial planning and community needs as expressed through robust consultation and engagement opportunities. This will include the provision of an evidence base for service developments and growth bids.


·        A clear set of standards and requirements for managers in terms of service consultation and support to help them fulfil this.  Support will include consulting with harder to reach groups.


·        Improved coordination of consultation across the Council and in conjunction with partners. This will ensure consultation results are timely, improved sharing of information and the reduction of consultation fatigue.


·        Improved access to consultation for members of the local community. Consultations will be better planned and publicised. This will include better online access.


·        Better value for money by working with others to procure consultation and share results.


·        By adopting clear principles and standards the quality of our consultations will improve.  


·        A programme of corporate consultation that can be used to underpin the Council’s strategic framework including setting the budget and the corporate plan and understanding customer satisfaction trends


Meeting: 02/02/2009 - Executive (Item 10.)

10. Consultation and Engagement Strategy and the Duty to Involve pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Report of Chief Executive and Community and Corporate Planning Manager




This report presents a final version of a consultation and engagement strategy and action plan for Cherwell District Council and outlines the steps the council needs to take to meet the requirements of new legislation in this policy area.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)       To identify any additional actions or initiatives to be included in the strategy and action plan.


(2)       To recommend to Council the adoption of the consultation and engagement strategy and action plan as council policy and the preferred approach to improving consultation and community engagement, to delivering our commitment to be an Accessible, Value for Money Council and to meeting the statutory requirements of the Duty to Involve in the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.


(3)       To request an annual progress review of the strategy and action plan to be received by the Executive.

Additional documents: