Issue - meetings

Integrated Parking Strategy , Residents Parking and Parking Enforcement

Meeting: 02/03/2009 - Executive (Item 181)

181 Integrated Parking Strategy , Residents Parking and Parking Enforcement pdf icon PDF 960 KB

Report of Head of Urban and Rural Services




To present progress on a number of key vehicle parking initiatives in the Cherwell District, specifically: Civil Parking Enforcement; the outcomes of a public consultation exercise on the Bicester Residents Parking Scheme; proposals for and public consultation on a Banbury Residents Parking Scheme; implementation of the Council’s Vehicle Parks Enforcement Policy; provision of Hackney Carriage ranks in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               For Civil Parking Enforcement


a)     Approve the proposals and outline timetable for the introduction of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) across the Cherwell District.

b)     Approve negotiations with Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) on the basis of implementing CPE in Cherwell on the basis of no or lowest cost to the Council.

c)      Approve investigation of a phase two which considers on street paid parking provided that there are benefits to the Council in doing so.

d)     Report back on progress early in 2009/10.


(2)               Approve the interim and long-term proposals for the Bicester Residents Parking Scheme, and to delegate the confirmation of final scheme details to the Head of Urban and Rural Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Urban and Rural Services.


(3)               Approve the process for considering a Residents Parking Scheme for Banbury, including:


a)      The scheme principles

b)      The consultation process

c)      The outline timescales

d)      The amendment to the previously agreed evaluation criteria

e)      That areas consulted that do not wish Residents Parking to be introduced are                  not re-consulted within a two year time period.


(4)       Note the implementation of the Council’s revised Vehicle Parks Enforcement                       

           Policy as approved at the October 2008 Executive.


(5)        For Hackney Carriage ranks in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington


a)      Note progress on the provision of Hackney Carriage ranks in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington.

b)      Approve the delegation of any decision on additional and /or amendments to existing ranks to the Head of Urban and Rural Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Urban and Rural Services.

Approve the process for considering a Residents Parking Scheme for Banbury, including:


f)        The scheme principles

g)      The consultation process

h)      The outline timescales

i)        The amendment to the previously agreed evaluation criteria

j)        That areas consulted that do not wish Residents Parking to be introduced are                  not re-consulted within a two year time period.


(4)       Note the implementation of the Council’s revised Vehicle Parks Enforcement                       

           Policy as approved at the October 2008 Executive.


(5)        For Hackney Carriage ranks in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington


c)      Note progress on the provision of Hackney Carriage ranks in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington.

d)      Approve the delegation of any decision on additional and /or amendments to existing ranks to the Head of Urban and Rural Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Urban and Rural Services.


Additional documents:


Agreed, with the amendment:


Recommendation 5b) replace “Executive Member for Urban and Rural Services” with “Executive Leader”.



Councillor Sibley addressed the meeting in relation to the residents parking scheme in Bicester.


The Head of Urban and Rural Services submitted a report to present progress on a number of key vehicle parking initiatives in the District, specifically: Civil Parking Enforcement; the outcome of a public consultation exercise on the Bicester Residents Parking scheme; proposals for and public consultation on a Banbury Residents Parking Scheme; implementation of the Council’s Vehicle Parks Enforcement Policy and the provision of Hackney Carriage Ranks in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington.


Councillor Morris requested that his abstention from the vote be recorded.




(1)               With regard to Civil Parking Enforcement that:


a)      the proposals and outline timetable for the introduction of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) across the Cherwell District be approved.

b)     negotiations with Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) on the basis of implementing CPE in Cherwell on the basis of no or lowest cost to the Council be approved.

c)      investigation of a phase two which considers on street paid parking provided that there are benefits to the Council in doing so be approved.

d)     officers report back on progress early in 2009/10.


(2)               That the interim and long-term proposals for the Bicester Residents Parking Scheme be approved, and the confirmation of final scheme details be delegated to the Head of Urban and Rural Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Urban and Rural Services.


(3)               That the process for considering a Residents Parking Scheme for Banbury, including the following elements be approved:


a)     The scheme principles

b)     The consultation process

c)      The outline timescales

d)     The amendment to the previously agreed evaluation criteria

e)     That areas consulted that do not wish Residents Parking to be introduced are not re-consulted within a two year time period.


(4)       That the implementation of the Council’s revised Vehicle Parks Enforcement Policy as approved at the October 2008 Executive be noted.


(5)       With regard to Hackney Carriage ranks in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington that:


a)     progress on the provision of Hackney Carriage ranks in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington be noted.

b)     any decision on additional and /or amendments to existing ranks be delegated to the Head of Urban and Rural Services in consultation with the Leader.


Reason – to plan the Council’s priorities in relation to resident’s parking schemes, Civil Parking Enforcement and investigation and provision of Hackney Carriage Ranks.