Issue - meetings

ICT Update

Meeting: 03/04/2017 - Executive (Item 164)

ICT Strategy 2017-2020

Exempt Report of Commercial Director

Additional documents:




(1)          That, following consideration of the strategy by the Member led IT Transition Board, review and endorsement of the strategy by the Joint Commissioning Committee, the draft strategy (exempt annex to the Minutes as set out in Minute Book) be agreed as the framework and plan for future development of the IT service. 


(2)          That the investments required to deliver the strategy (as set out in the exempt annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book, and agreed by the Chief Finance Officer) and the expected return on investment being realised within 2018/19 be noted.


(3)          That the high level forward plan (exempt annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) which would form the basis of the delivery plan for the period of the strategy be noted.



The Commercial Director submitted a report which presented the joint Cherwell District and South Northamptonshire Councils’ IT strategy for the period 2017-2020. The strategy set out the vision and direction for the development of an IT service that would ensure the councils were able to meet their strategic priorities, address customer needs and deliver their transformation objectives.




(1)          That, following consideration of the strategy by the Member led IT Transition Board, review and endorsement of the strategy by the Joint Commissioning Committee, the draft strategy (exempt annex to the Minutes as set out in Minute Book) be agreed as the framework and plan for future development of the IT service. 


(2)          That the investments required to deliver the strategy (as set out in the exempt annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book, and agreed by the Chief Finance Officer) and the expected return on investment being realised within 2018/19 be noted.


(3)          That the high level forward plan (exempt annex to the Minutes as set out in the Minute Book) which would form the basis of the delivery plan for the period of the strategy be noted.




Following review, research, staff and customer engagement an IT strategy has been developed that will deliver for both internal and external customers. The strategy sets out a long term vision for the service and a high level work plan by which to deliver the strategy’s objectives. The strategy also sets out investment requirements and an expected return on this investment.


Alternative options


Alternative options: Reject the strategy and continue as is. This is not recommended, as detailed in the strategy, significant investment will be required to maintain the status quo with on-going revenue implications.