Issue - meetings

Award of Contract - Refuse Collection Vehicles

Meeting: 01/02/2016 - Executive (Item 124)

Award of Contract - Refuse Collection Vehicles

Exempt Report of Head of Finance and Procurement and Head of Environmental Services


Additional documents:




(1)          That, subject to the Cabinet of South Northamptonshire Council and the appropriate decision maker at Oxford City Council also approving the contract award, the purchase of 14 refuse collection vehicles between 2016 and 2021, including the purchase of four in 2016, on the terms outlined in the exempt report be approved. 



The Head of Finance and Procurement and the Head of Environmental Services submitted an exempt report to seek approval to a contract award for the purchase of Refuse Collection Vehicles under a Framework until February 28 2021.




(1)          That, subject to the Cabinet of South Northamptonshire Council and the appropriate decision maker at Oxford City Council also approving the contract award, the purchase of 14 refuse collection vehicles between 2016 and 2021, including the purchase of four in 2016, on the terms outlined in the exempt report be approved. 




A procurement exercise has been undertaken in the form of a mini competition for orders of refuse collection vehicles until 28 February 2021


Cherwell District Council, South Northamptonshire Council and Oxford City Council have aggregated their RCV requirements to secure the best possible deal for RCV’s


The new contract reduces the expected capital requirement by £87k. There are also discounts on parts which is expected to deliver £9k of reduced revenue requirements for parts during the period 2016 - 2021


Alternative options


No reasonable alternatives