Issue - meetings

Procuring Apprenticeships through Development

Meeting: 04/04/2016 - Executive (Item 144)

144 Construction Apprenticeship and Skills Interim Planning Policy Guidance pdf icon PDF 214 KB

Report of Commercial Director (Bicester)


Purpose of report


The purpose of this report is to seek approval of the Interim Position Statement (attached as Appendix 1 to this report) relating to the securing of construction apprenticeships and skills through the land use planning system.




The meeting is recommended:


 1.1        To approve Appendix 1 as guidance which will operate informally to secure construction apprenticeships and skills through the processing of planning applications by the Council, prior to informing a relevant policy within the Cherwell District Council Local Plan Part 2 and the Planning Contributions Supplementary Planning Document, which are currently in the early stages of preparation.


1.2         To request that the Leader nominates a Cherwell District Council representative on to theApprenticeship and Training Company Apprenticeship and Training Agency (ATA) Board.


Additional documents:




(1)          That the Draft Cherwell District Council Interim Position Statement on Planning Obligations for Construction Apprenticeships and Skills, April 2016 be approved as guidance which will operate informally to secure construction apprenticeships and skills through the processing of planning applications by the Council, prior to informing a relevant policy within the Cherwell District Council Local Plan Part 2 and the Planning Contributions Supplementary Planning Document, which are currently in the early stages of preparation.


(2)          That, after the Annual Council meeting in May 2016 the Leader  nominates a Cherwell District Council representative on to theApprenticeship and Training Company Apprenticeship and Training Agency (ATA) Board.


The Commercial Director (Bicester) submitted a report which sought approval of the Interim Position Statement relating to the securing of construction apprenticeships and skills through the land use planning system.




(1)          That the Draft Cherwell District Council Interim Position Statement on Planning Obligations for Construction Apprenticeships and Skills, April 2016 be approved as guidance which will operate informally to secure construction apprenticeships and skills through the processing of planning applications by the Council, prior to informing a relevant policy within the Cherwell District Council Local Plan Part 2 and the Planning Contributions Supplementary Planning Document, which are currently in the early stages of preparation.


(2)          That, after the Annual Council meeting in May 2016 the Leader  nominates a Cherwell District Council representative on to theApprenticeship and Training Company Apprenticeship and Training Agency (ATA) Board.




Increasing the number of new apprenticeships in England is a high profile Government objective. Cherwell District Council supports this aspiration. The amount of new development taking place in the District over the next 20 years or so, coupled with the evidenced shortage of construction skills provides both an incentive and opportunity to secure the provision of new construction related apprenticeships through the land use planning system.


The Cherwell District Council Local Plan Part 1 as well as CDC’s Economic Strategy contains strategic aspirations relating to the need to support an increase in skills and training within the District. The Guidance provides detail on how this overarching strategic aim can be achieved through the land use planning process.


CDC is anticipating that developers will generally support the approach being promoted in this Guidance as an important and progressive initiative designed both  increase the number of local skilled construction operatives available to support the building industry, as well as promoting the construction trades generally as a valuable future career path for young people. As such, the Executive is recommended to approve Appendix 1 to operate as informal guidance to secure construction apprenticeships and skills through the processing of planning applications by the Council, prior to informing a relevant policy within the Cherwell District Council Local Plan Part 2 and the Planning Contributions Supplementary Planning Document, which are currently in the early stages of preparation.


The setting up and operating of The Apprenticeship and Training Company to manage apprenticeships on behalf of developers and their contractors is a key element of delivering the apprenticeships. This is because it will make the whole process easier for developers by acting as the apprentices’ employer - rather than the developer needing to. Given that the OXLEP grant is supporting the first year or so of the Company’s operation and CDC is the accountable body for this grant, as well as its strategic commitment to support skills and training, it would seem appropriate that there is a CDC representative to sit on the Board.


Alternative options


Option 1: Not to progress the interim informal guidance but wait until a relevant policy can be included in Local Plan Part II  ...  view the full minutes text for item 144