Issue - meetings

North West Bicester Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document

Meeting: 03/11/2014 - Executive (Item 69)

69 North West Bicester Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 63 KB

** Please note the appendix to this report will follow as it is currently being finalised **


Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy


Purpose of report


a)    To update the Executive on the preparation of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to support proposals for an Eco-town development of up to 6,000 homes on land at North West (NW) Bicester.


b)    To endorse the Draft document and seek approval for public consultation on the Draft NW Bicester SPD.




The meeting is recommended:


 1.1        To endorse the Draft SPD for public consultation (a copy to be placed in the Members Room)


1.2         To authorise officers, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any further non-substantive changes to the Draft SPD prior to public consultation


Additional documents:




(1)          That the Draft North West Bicester Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document be approved for public consultation.


(2)          That officers be authorised, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any further non-substantive changes to the North West Bicester Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document prior to public consultation



The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report which provided an update on the preparation of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to support proposals for an Eco-town development of up to 6,000 homes on land at North West (NW) Bicester. The report also sought endorsement of the Draft document and approval for public consultation.


In introducing the report the Lead Member for Planning pointed out that the first sentence in paragraph 7.2 of the published report (legal implications) should have been omitted.


At the discretion of the Chairman, Councillors Sibley and Lawrie Stratford addressed Executive.


In response to the addresses, the Lead Member for Planning confirmed that the consultation would start at the end of November for six weeks. The SPD would remain informal planning guidance until it was adopted, which would be after the adoption of the Local Plan.




(1)          That the Draft North West Bicester Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document be approved for public consultation.


(2)          That officers be authorised, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any further non-substantive changes to the North West Bicester Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document prior to public consultation.




The NW Bicester Development Framework SPD will guide future eco-town developments and be used as informal guidance in determining planning applications that have been received and will be submitted as the proposals progress. It follows the standards set out in the Eco-towns PPS and emerging Cherwell Local Plan, providing further detail for consideration in planning applications, the development principles and character areas for the site. It is supported by a Sustainability Appraisal which considers the environmental effects of the masterplan proposals.


The Executive is recommended to note the contents of this report and endorse the vision and principles set out in the Draft masterplan as the basis of the Council’s policy to be used as the basis for determining planning applications.


Alternative Options


Option 1: To not prepare and SPD and rely on the Eco towns PPS Cherwell Local Plan policy 1 and submitted Draft masterplan – This option was rejected given the potential for the PPS to be revoked and delay to the Local Plan adoption


Option 2: To commission consultants to prepare the SPD – This option was rejected in favour of the Eco Bicester project team leading on its preparation


Option 3: To await the adoption of the Local Plan before preparing SPD – This option was rejected due to the timescales involved and the necessity to have some form of informal planning guidance when determining the first outline applications later in 2014.