Issue - meetings

Annual Monitoring Report

Meeting: 01/12/2008 - Executive (Item 140)

140 Annual Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 99 KB

8.30 pm

Report of Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy




To consider the progress made on the Council’s Local Development Framework (LDF) in terms of meeting milestones in the Local Development Scheme and to consider monitoring information on business development, housing, biodiversity, open space, transport, and local services for the monitoring year April 2007 to March 2008.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)       endorse this report for submission to the Secretary of State by 31 December 2008 and delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy to make any minor presentational changes in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing;


(2)       note the housing delivery position described in the report;


(3)       resolve that the Council continues to bring forward proposals for the delivery of sites identified for residential development in the Non-Statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2011, which was approved as interim planning policy for development control purposes on 13  December 2004, and that officers continue to work with the development industry, local communities and other interested parties in order to do this in the interests of sustaining housing delivery (including the provision of affordable housing) to meet the requirements of the adopted Oxfordshire Structure Plan and, upon adoption, the South East Plan.

Additional documents:




The Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy submitted a report to consider the progress made on the Council’s Local Development Framework (LDF) in terms of meeting milestones in the Local Development Scheme and to consider monitoring information on business development, housing, biodiversity, open space, transport, and local services for the monitoring year April 2007 to March 2008.




(1)   That the report for submission to the Secretary of State by 31 December 2008 be endorsed and the Head of Planning and Affordable Housing Policy be delegated to make any minor presentational changes in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing;


(2)   That the housing delivery position described in the report noted;


(3)   That it be agreed that the Council continues to bring forward proposals for the delivery of sites identified for residential development in the Non-Statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2011, which was approved as interim planning policy for development control purposes on 13  December 2004, and that officers continue to work with the development industry, local communities and other interested parties in order to do this in the interests of sustaining housing delivery (including the provision of affordable housing) to meet the requirements of the adopted Oxfordshire Structure Plan and, upon adoption, the South East Plan.


Reasons - The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 require the Council to produce an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). Upon approval by the Executive, the AMR will form part of the District’s Local Development Framework (LDF).