Issue - meetings

Council Investment in District Sports Facilities Post 2012 Olympics

Meeting: 07/01/2013 - Executive (Item 83)

83 Council Investment in District Sports Facilities Post 2012 pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Report of Director of Community and Environment




This report is intended to identify the need for investment in the stock of the Council’s current and proposed sports facilities and to do so in a manner which responds to the increased demand for sports participation arising from the highly successful 2012 Olympic Games. 




Executive is recommended to consider:


(1)               The Council establishing a medium term Olympic Legacy Fund to support increased sporting participation in football, cricket, rugby, hockey, athletics and tennis.


(2)               Investment in the Council’s stock of existing and proposed facilities which meet the above requirement should be given priority, especially where there is a focus on sports participation by young people.


(3)               The first call on the fund to be the facility investment projects for North Oxfordshire Academy Athletics Track, Kidlington and Gosford Leisure centre Artificial Turf Pitch, Stratfield Brake and the Phase 2 balance of funding for the SW Bicester Sports Village as detailed in the draft capital programme and subject to its approval.


Additional documents:




(1)               That, subject to the need for formal approval of full Council, the establishment of a Cherwell District Council medium term Olympic Legacy Fund to support increased sporting participation in football, cricket, rugby, hockey, athletics and tennis be agreed.


(2)               That it be agreed that investment in the Council’s stock of existing and proposed facilities which meet the above requirement (resolution 1) should be given priority, especially where there is a focus on sports participation by young people.


(3)               That the first call on the fund be the facility investment projects for North Oxfordshire Academy Athletics Track, Kidlington and Gosford Leisure centre Artificial Turf Pitch, Stratfield Brake and the Phase 2 balance of funding for the SW Bicester Sports Village as detailed in the draft capital programme.



The Director of Community and Environment submitted a report which identified the need for investment in the stock of the Council’s current and proposed sports facilities and to do so in a manner which responds to the increased demand for sports participation arising from the highly successful 2012 Olympic Games. 


In considering the report, Executive members commended the proposal and commented that in the long term it would be important to review how the fund was topped up for maintenance, repair and future improvements to facilities.


Councillor Tim Emptage (Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group) and Councillor Andy Beere (in attendance on behalf on the Leader of the Labour Group) added their support to the proposal.




(1)               That, subject to the need for formal approval of full Council, the establishment of a Cherwell District Council medium term Olympic Legacy Fund to support increased sporting participation in football, cricket, rugby, hockey, athletics and tennis be agreed.


(2)               That it be agreed that investment in the Council’s stock of existing and proposed facilities which meet the above requirement (resolution 1) should be given priority, especially where there is a focus on sports participation by young people.


(3)               That the first call on the fund be the facility investment projects for North Oxfordshire Academy Athletics Track, Kidlington and Gosford Leisure centre Artificial Turf Pitch, Stratfield Brake and the Phase 2 balance of funding for the SW Bicester Sports Village as detailed in the draft capital programme.




If the Council does not invest in the facilities, then over time, sporting usage will fall. This has consequences not only for level of club use and participation but consequential affects down stream on the health of our community both in terms of the physical health and well being of residents and in social well being as there is potential for increased anti social behaviour if there are not the opportunities for positive activities, particularly for young people.


This Olympic Legacy approach will help to coordinate investment across the District to ensure availability of facilities and with some opportunities to achieve procurement savings.


If the Executive is minded to set up an Olympic Legacy fund, it is proposed that those capital investment requirements for sports facilities included in the draft 2013/14 capital programme become the first call on the fund. Future decisions on further calls on the balance of the fund will be preceded by detailed consideration by the Executive on each proposal.




Option One

Do nothing- facilities will gradually fall into a state of disrepair and be withdrawn from use.


Option Two

Piecemeal investment as and when individual facilities require investment through annual cycle of bids through the Council’s capital programme.


Option Three

A planned approach through an Olympic Legacy fund to secure benefits of developing a District wide approach and maximise opportunities for joint procurement and reduced costs. This is the recommended option