Issue - meetings

Award of Delivery of Capital Works Programme

Meeting: 01/02/2016 - Executive (Item 126)

Award of Delivery of Capital Works Programme

Exempt Report of Head of Finance and Procurement

Additional documents:




(1)          That the recommended delivery process for the fulfilment of the Capital works programme 2015/16 and into the first quarter 2016/17 with an estimated value of up to £2.25m be approved.



The Head of Finance and Procurement submitted an exempt report which sought consideration of the award of contracts to fulfil requirement for works on miscellaneous Council assets up to a value of £2.25m.




(1)          That the recommended delivery process for the fulfilment of the Capital works programme 2015/16 and into the first quarter 2016/17 with an estimated value of up to £2.25m be approved.




Working with Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and its framework provider using an open book partnership offers a timely, proven, value for money process. The contract value exceeds delegated authority limits and requires an Executive decision.


Alternative options


No reasonable alternatives