Decision details

Customer Satisfaction Survey Results 2013

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes




(1)          That the results of the customer survey, with particular reference to improvement in the following areas that were identified as priorities as an outcome of the survey undertaken in 2012: The way the Council deals with anti-social behaviour; The Council’s approach to dealing with environmental crime; and, Car Parking Services, be noted.


(2)          That the following priorities and areas of focus for future action be agreed:



1)    Household waste collection

2)    Household recycling collection and food/ garden waste collection service

3)    Supporting the creation of jobs in the local area

4)    Street cleaning and tackling environmental crime

5)    Providing affordable housing

6)    Dealing with anti-social behaviour/ nuisance


Areas of focus for future action:

a)    Dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour: whilst improvement in this area has been recorded it is still rated as one of the areas of lowest satisfaction and is an area of high priority for local residents.


b)    Dealing with Environmental Crime: littering, fly-tipping, graffiti and dealing with dog waste, all key in terms of delivering a high quality local environment and services that are valued by local residents. This is an area where the Council needs to improve (currently it has the lowest rating) and as such should remain a priority.


c)    Continuing to focus on Street Cleansing: like ‘dealing with environmental crime’ one of the ‘top 6’ priorities street cleansing is a service that is experienced by all residents and plays an important part in terms of quality of life and enjoyment living within a local area. It is a service upon which the Council is judged and valued by many residents and as such should remain an on-going area of focus.


d)    Continued focus on communication with local residents and businesses: as noted above the better the quality of communication and access to information about Council services local residents have the more likely they will be able to access services and be satisfied with the results. Whilst there are currently solid satisfaction ratings with communication it should remain an area of on-going focus.



Corporate Priorities : An accessible, value for money council;

Reason No Public Access: No

Declarations: None

Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No

Contact: Claire Taylor, Corporate Director Customers, Organisational Development and Resources Email: Tel: 0300 003 0113.

Report author: Claire Taylor

Publication date: 05/11/2013

Date of decision: 04/11/2013

Decided at meeting: 04/11/2013 - Executive

Effective from: 09/11/2013

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