Agenda item

Bicester Masterplan Update

Report of Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy




To brief members on the progress with the development of the Bicester Masterplan.


The completed Masterplan will set the strategy for shaping the development of Bicester and be used to inform the determination of planning applications.




The Executive is recommended to:


(1)               Receive a presentation by WYG on progress being made with the development of the Bicester Masterplan.


(2)               Delegate authority to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes before publication of the Bicester Masterplan (WYG presentation) for public consultation.


Recommendations approved, with the additional resolution:


(3)       That officers be requested to submit a report to Executive in due course setting out how the action plan objectives will be addressed and delivered.  



The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy submitted a report which briefed members on the progress with the development of the Bicester Masterplan. The completed Masterplan would set the strategy for shaping the development of Bicester and be used to inform the determination of planning applications.


Gordon Lewis of WYG, the consultants appointed by Cherwell District Council in November 2011 to prepare a Masterplan for Bicester, gave a presentation which updated Executive on progress being made with the development of the Masterplan. Since the endorsement of the Conceptual Plan by Executive in February 2012, WYG had undertaken detailed site assessment and stakeholder engagement around the themes of employment, housing, movement and open space.


Members commended the coordinated approach being taken which took into account the various developments underway in Bicester and put limits on growth. Members noted the considerable consultation that had been undertaken with stakeholders and commented that the forthcoming public consultation was also extremely important. The Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy confirmed that public consultation would take place in June and July. He further advised Executive that for the Bicester Masterplan to become a supplementary planning document, responses to all consultation submissions and any subsequent changes to the Masterplan would need to be reported.


In considering the Masterplan, it was highlighted that it would be important for all future planning applications relating to health provision to take into account the increasing population. Members commented that it was essential that all infrastructure was properly built in to meet the needs of the town. Members also requested that officers give consideration to the to boundary zone of RAF Bicester to ensure that the setting of listed buildings would not be affected.    


Members noted that the Masterplan would be accompanied by an Action Plan which would set out how the Masterplan would be delivered and requested that this be submitted to Executive for consideration in due course.




(1)               That a presentation by WYG on progress being made with the development of the Bicester Masterplan be received.


(2)               That authority be delegated to the Head of Strategic Planning and the Economy, in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning, to make any minor changes before publication of the Bicester Masterplan (WYG presentation) for public consultation.


(3)               That officers be requested to submit a report to Executive in due course setting out how the action plan objectives will be addressed and delivered. 




The Masterplan has been commissioned to examine the town and its future needs over the next 20 years. It aims to provide a clear vision for the future of the town and set a framework for the integration of new developments with the rest of the town, to ensure that opportunities for securing a stronger economy are realised.




Option One

To support the continued development of the Bicester Masterplan.


Option Two

To support the development of the Bicester Masterplan with amendments.


Option Three

To not support the completion of the Bicester Masterplan and to continue with a piecemeal approach to development that fails to ensure integration with the existing town or to ensure that opportunities are realised for the benefit of residents and businesses in Bicester.





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