Agenda item

Cherwell Housing Strategy 2012-17

Report of Head of Regeneration and Housing




The purpose of this report is to bring Cherwell’s 2012 - 2017 Housing Strategy to the Executive for approval.




The Executive is recommended:


(1)       To approve the proposed Cherwell Housing Strategy for 2012 – 2017.

(2)       To delegate authority to the Head of Regeneration and Housing, in consultation   with the Lead Member for Housing to produce an annual delivery plan for each year of the strategy that will prioritise actions in line with resources and opportunities.


Recommendations approved.


The Head of Regeneration and Housing submitted a report which presented Cherwell’s 2012 - 2017 Housing Strategy to the Executive for approval.


In introducing the report, the Lead Member for Housing explained that the Strategy covered six Strategic Housing Priorities. It superseded and incorporated any existing or former strategies and carried over any outstanding actions.


Members commended Officers for the strategy making particular reference to the innovative approach to housing strategies and policies which had aided in securing significant inward investment and agreed that work should continue in this way. The Executive requested that officers arrange a briefing for all Members on the refreshed allocations policy and benefits reforms.  




(1)       That the proposed Cherwell Housing Strategy for 2012 – 2017 be approved.


(2)       That authority be delegated to the Head of Regeneration and Housing, in consultation   with the Lead Member for Housing to produce an annual delivery plan for each year of the strategy that will prioritise actions in line with resources and opportunities.




Cherwell’s proposed Housing Strategy is ambitious.  It clearly sets out the need to understand the business case for all new areas of development.  In producing a business case we can look at rationale, resources, risk and outcomes to assess if this is a prudent way forward.  An example of this is the emerging Build! ® self build housing programme.  A business case was made, which identified the level of investment and the likely return. This is a good example of how innovation can provide leverage to secure significant inward investment.  To date the HCA has committed (subject to contract) £2.45 million pounds towards the Build! ® programme for new build and refurbishment of empty homes.


As well as being a statutory requirement, the proposed Cherwell Housing Strategy is a tool to communicate our priorities to partners in the public, private and voluntary sector.   We have taken into consideration feedback from a range of partners through one-to-one meetings and groups and tried to capture all the key challenges and opportunities ahead.  Whilst no strategy can be ‘all things to all people’ we believe that the holistic approach to housing provides a balanced set of actions which if implemented will enable the District to be investment ready and for local people to be ‘housing ready’ ~ financially resilient and able to secure and manage a home.




Option One

To accept all the recommendations in this report and:

(1) To approve Cherwell’s 2012 – 2017 Housing Strategy

(2) To delegate authority to the Head of Regeneration and Housing, in consultation with the Lead Member for Housing to produce an annual delivery plan that prioritises actions in line with resources and opportunities.


Option Two

To approve the proposed housing strategy, but not the recommendation for an annual action plan.  The benefit of an annual action plan is that it allows the Council to maintain its flexibility and responsiveness during changing economic times.


Option Three


To not accept any of the recommendations in this report.  The implication of not accepting the proposed is the Council’s strategic direction for housing including its role in supporting wider Council priorities is delayed.



Supporting documents: