Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing Sub Committee - Monday 16 December 2013 1.00 pm

Venue: Bodicote House, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA

Contact: Dave Parry, Democratic and Elections  Email:, 01327 322365

No. Item


Constitution of the Sub Committee

The Membership of the Sub-Committee for this meeting will be Councillors



Please contact Louise Aston (01295 221601) to tender apologies.


The Membership of the Licensing Sub-Committee for this meeting was Councillors Diana Edwards, Michael Gibbard and George Reynolds.


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any interest and the nature of that interest that they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.


Note: Any Member with a disclosable pecuniary interest will not be able to participate in the hearing, and should therefore notify the Head of Law and Governance in advance so that arrangements may be made for an alternate Member to attend.




There were no declarations of interest.


Premise Licensing Determination Hearing pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Report of Head of Community Services


Purpose of Report


The report provides an outline of an application for the grant of a Premises Licence in relation to Banbury Fried Chicken, 24 Middleton Road, Banbury, and details the representation received from a Responsible Authority that has resulted in the need for a hearing to determine the application.




There is no recommendation. In considering the representations received and what is appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives, the options open to the Sub-Committee are, in broad terms:


(1)          approve the application for the grant of a premises licence as submitted


(2)          reject the application for the grant of premises licence in whole or part


(3)          place conditions on the grant of premises licence and/or require changes to the details of the permissions sought.


Additional documents:


Community Services





Bodicote House




OX15 4AA


Please ask for:


Direct Dial:

01295 753744


Our Ref:


16 December 2013


Dear Sir/Madam,




Banbury Fried Chicken, 24 Middleton Road, Banbury


I refer to the hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee on 16 December 2013 at which the Sub-Committee considered an application in respect of the above premises for the variation of a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003.  The decision contained in this letter is a decision of the Licensing Authority.


After considering all the representations made at the hearing the Sub-Committee decided as follows:


The application for a premises licence in respect of Banbury Fried Chicken is GRANTED with an amendment to the times for the provision of late night refreshment of 'until midnight every day of the week’.


You have a right of appeal against this decision to the Magistrates' Court within 21 days of the date of this letter. The relevant Magistrates Court for the area is;


Banbury Magistrates Court,   The Courthouse,   Warwick Road,   Banbury,   Oxon,   OX16 2AW

Tel: 01865 448020            Email:


Finally, if you have any queries regarding this notice, please contact a member of the Licensing Team on 01295 753744.


Yours faithfully




Claire Bold, Licensing Team Leader

Copies to

Relevant Agent/Solicitor of the Applicant (if any)


Relevant Responsible Authorities (if any)


Relevant Interested Parties (if any)